Personnel and Budget Committee
The College-Wide Personnel and Budget Committee (P&B) is responsible for evaluating faculty appointments, reappointments, promotions, tenure, and leaves. Kenneth Adams, President of LaGuardia Community College, is the Chairperson of the P&B Committee. The College’s Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Billie Gastic Rosado, and the ten Departmental Chairpersons also serve on the committee. The Executive Director of Human Resources and the Associate Director for Faculty & Staff Relations serve as non-voting members of the committee and are responsible for minutes.
The P&B Committee reviews documentation regarding each faculty member and then votes on each candidate by written and confidential ballot. The decision of the Committee serves as a recommendation to the President. P&B proceedings are private and confidential.
Academic Department Chairpersons
Departments | Chairperson |
Business & Technology | Michael Napolitano, Esq. |
Community Health and Wellness | Nicolle Fernandes |
Counseling | Dr. Billie Gastic Rosado |
Education & Language Acquisition | Dr. Arthur Lau |
English | Dr. Irwin Leopando |
Health Sciences | Professor Phillip Gimber |
Humanities | Dr. Vera Albrecht |
Library | Professor Silvia Lin Hanick |
Math, Engineering & Computer Science | Dr. Abderrazak Belkharraz |
Natural Sciences | Dr. Na Xu |
Social Science | Dr. Bojana Blagojevic |
CUNY Bylaws
- There shall be in each college a committee on faculty personnel and budget or equivalent committee. The chairperson of this committee shall be the president. The members of the committee may include the departments chairs, the vice president of academic affairs and one or more deans designated by the president.
- This committee shall receive from the several departments all recommendations for the annual appointments to full-time faculty titles, including annual appointments to the titles distinguished lecturer, clinical professor, lecturer and instructor as well as titles in the college laboratory technician series, reappointments thereto, with or with out tenure, and promotions therein, together with compensation; it shall recommend action thereon to the president… The President shall consider such recommendations in making his/her recommendations on such matters to the chancellor.
- Annual Performance Evaluation
- College Laboratory Technology Performance Evaluation Form (CLT)
- Faculty CV Template
- Fellowship Leave Application
- Fillable Observation Form
- Fillable Post Observation Form
- Major Contribution Form
- Promotion Request Form – Adjunct Associate Professor and Adjunct Professor
- Self-Report On Teaching Goal Template
November 5, 2019: All CLTs are required to submit an updated CV (in the approved format) with their documents for reappointment (Effective Fall I, 2020).
Beginning in May 2021, all candidates for promotion must have completed a Self-Report on Teaching Goal as part of their most recent annual evaluation.
November 12, 2019: Pursuant to procedures outlined in the Instructional Staff Handbook, a sub-committee of the College-wide Personnel and Budget Committee was formed to review post-fellowship reports. Prof. Michael Napolitano, Dr. Abderrazak Belkharraz Idrissi and Dr. Arthur Lau will serve on this sub-committee during AY2019-2020. Membership will rotate annually thereafter.
November 12, 2019: The P&B unanimously agreed to amend the application process for Fellowship Leaves to include the following additional factor for review: “4. Demonstrate the benefit(s) to the College in accordance with Article 25.3.4 of the PSC/CUNY Agreement.” See: p. 29 of the Instructional Handbook.
November 14, 2019: The P&B unanimously agreed to remove the following sentence from its policy action of February 6, 2018 : “The evaluation will consist of the “Annual Performance Evaluation” submission, except the Major Contribution form.”
October 25, 2018: All faculty are required to submit an updated CV (in the approved format) with their documents for reappointment (Effective Fall I, 2019).
February 6, 2018: Motion to comply with article 18.3 of the PSC/CUNY Agreement effective AY18-19 – All tenured members of the teaching faculty, excluding tenured full professors, and CLT series employees shall be evaluated at least once per year. The evaluation will consist of the “Annual Performance Evaluation” submission, except the Major Contribution form. Motion was approved.
February 6, 2018: Motion requiring all faculty, prior to their evaluation conference to submit to their department chair their “Annual Performance Evaluation” submission in writing. Motion was approved.
February 13, 2018: Motion: Eligibility for promotion (Handbook, pg. 21) to be amended from “Effective for all full-time tenure-track faculty hired as of fall 2011” to “Effective for all full-time tenure-track faculty hired as of fall 2018.” Motion was approved.
March 13, 2018: Motion: All new full-time faculty are expected to participate in the Provost’s Learning Space (PLS) during their first year at the college. Starting with their 3rd Action 2nd Reappointment evaluation, faculty will use the “Self-Report on Teaching Goal” template to report on their teaching for each reappointment action. The “Self-Report on Teaching Goal” template should be submitted as a separate document in addition to the department Chair’s evaluation; the chair should write an evaluative comment on the Self-Report in the Primary Function section of the evaluation. For the 3rd Action 2nd Reappointment evaluation only, faculty may choose to have this Self-Report also serve as their Major Contribution. Motion was approved.
March 13, 2018: Motion: If Student Instructional Reports (SIRs) are not available at the time when a faculty evaluation is conducted, and there are concerns about the SIRs outcomes, a guidance memorandum will be issued by the department Chair to the faculty when the SIRs become available. Also, for actions where SIRs are not available at the time of the evaluation, Chairs will present the SIRs at the appropriate P&B meeting. [Note: SIRs from previous instructional staff titles (Instructor or Lecturer) should not be considered for faculty in their professorial titles]. Motion was approved.
June 12, 2018: Only publications in peer-reviewed and reputable outlets will count toward tenure and promotion.
The “Academic Affairs Research/Creative Work Award” is designed to support the scholarly and creative work of sixth-year, tenure-track faculty. This award was instituted in AY2016-17 in response to faculty requests for such support that emerged from the COACHE survey and follow-up discussions.
Recipients receive 3 hours of released time for the academic year in which the award is granted. The number of awards per year depends upon the available budget. Proposals are read “blindly” and ranked (using a rubric) by the academic chairpersons (they do not read proposals from their own departments). Awards are made in order of the ranking scores received.