Abstract Submission
Contact Us
Room: M-Building, M-400
Phone: (718) 482-5400
Abstract Submissions for Undergraduate Research Day will be accepted via the below form through 11:59 p.m. on Monday, April 15, 2024. No email submissions will be accepted.
- An abstract of ongoing and updated research projects is acceptable for submission and presentation.
- Each student may submit one abstract as the first author.
- There is no limit to the number of times a student may appear as co-author on abstracts.
- An abstract may only be submitted once. Duplicate abstracts (reporting the same data) that are submitted under a different title or author will be vetted and will not be considered.
- Please proof-read your abstract carefully for formatting, spelling and data errors. Pay special attention to the author order and presenting author designation.
- All abstracts must be reviewed, edited and approved by faculty mentors before submission. Presenters and their mentors will receive confirmation of abstract acceptance via email.
- Accepted abstracts will be published on LaGuardia’s Undergraduate Research Day website.
- Changes to abstracts or authors will not be accepted after the submission deadline.
Abstract Format
- All material must be the work of authors listed and appropriately referenced.
- Abstracts must be properly contained and organized into four sections identified as follows: Purpose/Objectives, Materials/Methods, Results and Conclusions.
- The abstract cannot contain illustrations, images or graphs.
- Abstract submissions must not include references. Presenters may include these items in their on-site presentations.
- Limit the abstract to 250 words or less. Please spell out all acronyms on first use.
Abstract titles should be 10 words less.
Review of Abstracts
- All abstracts will be reviewed by at least one Committee member.
- The reviewing process is strictly confidential.
- The Committee reserves the right to decline any submitted abstracts that do not meet
- the submission criteria.
- Abstracts scoring categories:
- Format
- Clarity, spelling and grammar
- Introduction and hypothesis
- Methods
- Results
Abstract Submission Form
One student should submit Team projects; the student completing this form will serve as the main contact.