Modern Languages

Contact Us

Julio Rosario
Coordinator of the Modern Languages Lab (ML Lab Coordinator)

Room: B-Building, B-206
Phone: (718) 482-5466

The Modem Language (ML) Lab, located in Room B-206, oversees the weekly lab hour that is part of all elementary, intermediate, and heritage language classes. The ML Lab also provides language tutoring and refresher sessions. The Modern Language Program has replaced the placement exam with student’s self-assessment for placement of ML course. We have removed all placement exam requirements for the ML courses so that students can sign up for any level of ML course on CUNYFirst by themselves based on their self-assessment of ML proficiency.

Tutoring: Individual and small-group tutoring is available in-person and online. Students enrolled in a language class can get help with homework, lab assignments, grammar, vocabulary, culture, presentations and quiz review. See below for the weekly tutoring schedule and instructions how to make an appointment with the tutor.

Self-Assessment: Students proficient in a language other than English can earn three exemption credits by passing an intermediate, advanced, or heritage-level modern language class. The Self-Assessment will help students identify an appropriate level to sign up for the upcoming semester. If you have any question go to room B-206 or email

Individual/Group Tutoring in Fall 2024 Session II

  • Tutoring sessions are conducted either online or in-person in Fall 2024 Session II. For online tutoring, tutors use different tutoring platforms, but many use Zoom for tutoring. Students will receive a meeting link when they make a tutoring appointment.
  • See the tutoring schedule for Fall 2024 Session II: Fall 2024 Tutoring Schedule
  • Tutoring is optional and does not contribute to the student’s final grade (unless the instructor gives extra bonus points for attending tutoring).
  • You will need to make an appointment for tutoring through Navigate. See these tutorial slides for more information. Have your professor’s name and course code handy to input on the appointment form.
  • (If you made an appointment for online tutoring) After confirming your appointment, check your student email for a confirmation and a Zoom link to the tutoring meeting.
  • ACE students should contact the tutor directly to make an appointment.
  • For assistance, please contact one of the modern language lab staff.

The Lab Hour

  • Most lab sessions for in-person classes are conducted in-person as well. Lab sessions for fully online courses will be online. The lab constitutes 10% of the student’s final grade.
  • The online lab sessions are delivered either synchronously (in a group at the given day and time) or asynchronously (individually at any time). Each language uses different lab platforms, but many use the textbook companion website and/or Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.