Educational Development Initiative Team

Established during the 1991-92 academic year, the Educational Development Initiative Team (EDIT) is a subcommittee of the College Senate’s Committee on Professional Development and administers LaGuardia’s Professional Development Grant Program. Full-time faculty, and part-time faculty in continuous service for the past two academic years (September through June), are eligible to submit proposals.

The Fall 2024 application for funding of professional development projects is now available online.

  • In addition to submitting your application, you also must submit your budget worksheet and all documentation, including your receipts, in one file with your name on it to Dropbox.
  • The deadline for submitting the application and all supporting documents to Dropbox is Friday, October 18, 2024 by 11:59 pm.
  • Awards are for projects undertaken between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025. All monies must be disbursed by June 30, 2025.
  • Important:  If your application is incomplete, you will not receive funding.

Professional Development Grant Program

Grants awarded by EDIT cover costs incurred by LaGuardia faculty in designing and implementing professional development projects. These costs may include (but are not limited to) the following:

  1. Travel expenses to conduct and/or present research and scholarship (e.g., archives, museums, special collections, conference presentations, and invited lectures)
  2. Travel expenses for attending (not presenting at) conferences, workshops, or seminars that directly support a specific scholarship or research project
  3. Travel costs specifically associated with faculty development research (e.g., to enhance an academic department/program’s pedagogy or professional development)
  4. Expenses personally incurred by faculty to conduct research and scholarship (e.g., entrance fees for research sites, photocopying from archives or special collections, publication costs)
  5. Expenses personally incurred by faculty for projects that enhance their professional growth and development (e.g., in areas such as scholarship, academic effectiveness, and/or research skills and competencies; or artistic skills and competencies). Important: Workshops, e.g., for writers or artists, are eligible for funding, but not tuition for courses.
  6. EDIT does not fund the following: conference registration fees, reassigned time, organization membership fees, tuition for courses, purchase of equipment or other items such as (but not limited to) photocopying materials that can be submitted to our Print Shop, postage/shipping costs, stipends or services rendered by someone other than the applicant.
Additional Information

Publication Expenses: The EDIT Committee will consider requests for the reimbursement of publication costs on a case-by-case basis, with priority given to the payment of fees that are required for publication. For a publication fee such as Open Access, when there are multiple authors of the article, only one application should be submitted to EDIT, but the co-authors’ names and contact information must also be listed for “Name” (item #1 on the application form). Be sure that the designated applicant includes proof of payment with the application. If awarded an EDIT grant, the designated applicant is responsible for submitting the receipt to CUNYFirst and for reimbursing their co-authors.

Conference Travel Expenses: Academic Affairs will cover 100% of the registration fee and 40% of travel expenses for full-time faculty presenting at a conference (only one conference for Fiscal Year ’25). Please note that for international conferences, faculty members must request funding via email to the Provost, Billie Gastic (

Research and/or Creative Project Travel Expenses: Academic Affairs will cover 40% of per diem rates for travel expenses for full-time faculty.

EDIT Committee

If you have any questions regarding EDIT please contact your department’s committee member.

DepartmentNameContact Information
Business & TechnologyNicole Lytle(718) 482-5403
Education and Language AcquisitionBede McCormack(718) 730-7528
EnglishBijoyeta Das(718) 482-5615
Health and Human ServicesMaureen Doyle(718) 482-5227
HumanitiesFern Luskin, Co-Chair(718) 482-5708
LibraryThomas Cleary, Co-Chair(718) 482-5428)
Mathematics, Engineering, & Computer ScienceHendrick Delcham(718) 482-5731
Natural SciencesBoris Zakharov(718) 482-5981
Social ScienceAlex Welcome(718) 482-4032

For completing the Budget (item #17 of the application):

  • Download the budget worksheet (  This can be saved and submitted as either an excel document or a PDF.
  • Provide a complete budget that specifies all items for which the EDIT grant funds will be used.
  • In preparing your budget, review the type of expenses funded by EDIT as well as those that are not.
  • Academic Affairs will cover 100% of the registration fee and 40% of travel expenses for full-time faculty presenting at a domestic conference (only one conference for Fiscal Year ’25), so don’t include your conference registration fee in the budget, but do list 60% of each travel-related expense and indicate whether you are providing the ACTUAL or ESTIMATED cost of the item. (If approved by the Provost, applicants who present at an international conference will receive approximately 40% of their conference fee and travel expenses from Academic Affairs in one lump sum).
  • For services not yet rendered or for travel which takes place after the application deadline, you must include the pending item(s) for airfare, train or bus tickets, hotel accommodations, etc. in your budget with estimates based on verifiable prices from a travel website such as Expedia or Travelocity, or from the airline’s or company’s website. For smaller-scale items such as taxi rides, you may approximate the cost. Try to use public transportation, but if that is not possible, make sure taxi fares are not excessive.

Use Per Diem Rates for Meals and Hotels:

Please note that EDIT only considers the expenses of the applicant. If you are sharing expenses (hotel room, etc.), or traveling with others, please adjust your budget accordingly and make specific references to this in the notes section of your Budget sheet (


All applications must be accompanied by two types of documentation: evidence of activities undertaken for your project, and receipts for expenses (or verifiable estimates of these expenses if unavailable before the application deadline). You may list estimates of airfare, hotel, and other expenses taken from official websites if your project takes place after the application deadline. If your project involves travel, use per diem rates for that location. Your affiliation on conference programs and/or other project documents must indicate that you are representing LaGuardia Community College (not simply CUNY or another institution). Highlight your name and the title of your presentation/project on all supporting documents.

Examples of this evidence of your project activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Conferences & Invited Lectures (Domestic & International)
    • Evidence of Activities—Conference acceptance letter, conference program (copy of the page with your panel’s listing and LaGuardia affiliation; a formal invitation for invited lectures).
    • Receipts for Expenses—Hotel, travel (air, train, bus, taxi, car).
  • Research or Scholarship, or Creative Endeavor
    • Evidence of Activities—an invitation or letters requesting and confirming access to the archive or library at which you are conducting the research, or to rare materials housed at the archive or library, in which the nature of your project is indicated; an invitation from the artistic or cultural institution.
    • Receipts for Expenses— Entrance fees for museums, institutions, or research sites, or for photocopying materials at archives or special collections; hotel, and travel (air, train, bus, taxi, car); art materials or processes not available at the college.
  • Attending Workshops, Seminars, and Conferences
    • Evidence of Activities—confirmation of registration, program of activities, and, if applicable, an invitation to attend.
    • Receipts for Expenses—Registration fees, hotel, travel (air, train, bus, taxi, car).
  • Do not provide original documentation. EDIT only accepts copies. Highlight and label expenses that are included in your budget on receipts and credit card statements. Convert prices given in foreign currencies on your receipts to dollars. On the credit card statements, black out your credit card numbers and irrelevant expenses.
  • Beware that if you are awarded a grant you will need to upload the same (and most likely additional) documentation to your CUNYfirst Travel Expense Report. If you travel by plane, train, or bus, retain your ticket or boarding pass for submission to CUNYfirst as proof of travel.


  • Did you include evidence of your EDIT project activities such as your conference acceptance letter, the conference program (a copy of the page with your panel’s listing, formal invitation for invited lectures), exhibition pamphlet or webpage, etc. with your name and the title of presentation/project highlighted, and your LaGuardia affiliation listed?
  • Did you include receipts for expenses and/or estimates of airfare, hotel, non-local train or bus costs from a travel website such as Expedia or Travelocity, or from the airline’s or company’s website (only if your project has not yet taken place)?  Did you indicate the per diem rates for your hotel room and meals (available at for domestic and for international?
  • If you are sharing expenses (hotel room, etc.), or traveling with others, did you adjust your budget accordingly and make specific references to this in the notes section of the application (see budget worksheet)?
  • If you are applying for funding for a research project, did you include evidence of activities such as letters requesting access to the archive or library at which you are conducting the research, or to rare materials housed at the archive or library, in which the nature of your project is indicated?
  • Did you indicate that you have requested funds for your project from Academic Affairs (#12 of the application) and did you remember to indicate 60% of each of your travel expenses in your budget worksheet?

Sample Applications

If, after reading through the instructions and reviewing the sample applications, you have any questions, please feel free to contact the EDIT co-chairs.

  • EDIT committee members will review all proposals that are submitted by the deadline with all the supporting documents.
  • Applicants can expect to receive notification concerning their application after November 29, 2024.
  • Award amounts are dependent on the funding we receive from Academic Affairs and on the number of applications we receive.
  • Awards are for projects undertaken between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025. All monies must be disbursed by June 30, 2025.
  • If you receive an EDIT award, you must submit the exact amount stated in the award letter on CUNYfirst.

Our goal is to fund as many faculty members as possible.  We award amounts based on the number of applicants and our available budget. The maximum award is $500 for domestic conferences and $1,000 for international conferences. The maximum for publication expenses is $1,000.

Applications must clearly demonstrate how your professional development project supports faculty tenure and promotion, and/or the College’s strategic plan.  For your “Abstract” (item #15 on the application form), include a brief narrative description that identifies specific ways in which your project supports tenure, promotion and/or the strategic plan.

If your project involves human subjects, check with IRB to learn if you are required to obtain a statement of clearance/permission from the IRB. If so, this statement should be included in your application.  Visit for more information.

Predatory journals, conferences, or organizations are ineligible for funding.

Priority will be given to projects in the following order:

  1. Applicants who have never been awarded an EDIT grant. 
  2. Applicants who have not been awarded an EDIT grant within the last two years. 
  3. Applicants who are presenting at or organizing a conference, or who are seeking reimbursement of publication fees or expenses incurred for research or creative projects. 
  4. For applicants who submit multiple proposals, the committee will prioritize the proposal with the largest budget amount, and then consider the remaining proposals depending on the amount of money we have in our budget.   
  5. Applicants attending, as opposed to presenting at or organizing, a conference, workshop, or seminar.

Travel Forms

Awardees need to complete CUNYfirst travel procedures to receive funding:

  • You must first submit a Travel Authorization through CUNYfirst (ideally 30 days before travel).
  • Then, no later than 5 days after returning from your trip, you must submit a Travel Expense Report on CUNYfirst for reimbursement of the amount you are awarded.

Contact your department’s Travel Liaison for assistance with submitting the Travel expense report for your EDIT award in CUNYfirst.  Your liaison is a wonderful resource.

Department Travel Liaisons

DepartmentNameContact Information
Business & TechnologyDeijy Sherpa(718) 730-7504
Education and Language AcquisitionElijah Edmonds(718) 482-5640
EnglishSylwia Prendable(718) 482-5909
Health SciencesJazmine Freire(718) 482-6104
HumanitiesSeurette Bazelais(718) 482-5203
LibraryKaywan Chan(718) 482-5429
Mathematics, Engineering, & Computer ScienceLuis Gonzalez(718) 482-5730
Natural SciencesIndira Persaud(718) 482-5406
Social ScienceAileen Solima(718) 482-5785

Petition to Travel

CUNYs Petition to Travel is required for international travel if the Travel Advisory is at a level 3 or higher or if the CDC COVID-19 Travel Health Notice is at a level 4 ( (Domestic travel no longer requires this form). Send your travel petition form to Keisha King (
