Nathan Hosannah

Contact Us

Room: M-Building, M-204
Phone: (718) 482-5940

Monday- Thursday  9 a.m.- 5 p.m.


  • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, CUNY Graduate Center
  • M.E. in Mechanical Engineering, City College of New York
  • B.E. in Mechanical Engineering, City College of New York

Areas of Expertise or Research

  • Land-atmosphere interactions in the coastal environment


Dr. Nathan Hosannah has been performing regional atmospheric climate research in urban regions for more than 10 years, and has attended numerous national and international conferences to present his work related to understanding the effects of PSD ingestion on precipitation in coastal urban environments such as NYC, and tropical environments in the Caribbean. After investigating aerosols and their effect on intricate and steadily changing summer storms over NYC, his desire to explore weather in the Caribbean—simultaneously a place that is on the forefront of global climate change and the region of the world where his parents hail from (Guyana)—led him to take on a postdoctoral position at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. There, he investigated aerosol impacts on weather and climate in the region. His interest in learning more led him to extend his analyses to season-long periods, which include Saharan dust intrusion, marine aerosol and smoke created from biomass burning.
