Chelsea Encababian

Contact Us

Room: M-Building, M-204
Phone: (718) 482-5940

Monday- Thursday  9 a.m.- 5 p.m.


  • M.S. in Sustainability in the Urban Environment, City College of New York
  • B.A. in Environmental Studies & Asian Studies, Hobart & William Smith Colleges

Areas of Expertise or Research

  • Master composter
  • Master gardener
  • Pest management certification


Chelsea Encababian is a Lecturer of Natural Sciences at LaGuardia. She also oversees the operations of Finca La Florecita Urban Farm and the Hydroponics Lab. She is dedicated to advocating for equitable community access to green spaces and expanding food-growing opportunities in urban environments.

In her roles at LaGuardia, Encababian promotes accessible and practical vegetable production science education, empowering students to engage with sustainable agriculture in meaningful ways. Her work integrates hands-on learning with a commitment to fostering urban resilience, highlighting the importance of green spaces in addressing food insecurity and environmental sustainability.
