Spring I 2024 Featured Courses
Section: 0905 | M, W 6:00-7:30 PM
This course is designed to analyze the Bible critically as a literary compilation with particular consideration to the following forms: myth, epic narrative, drama, poetry, prophesy, and parable. Questions of literary history, canonicity, authorship, and source materials are considered. Various translations (e.g., King James, Coverdale, Jerusalem) may be examined comparatively for their use of language. Selections for study are chosen for their impact on subsequent literature, as well as for their artistic merit.
CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-World Cultures & Global Issues
Section: 0910 | T 10:30 AM-12:45 PM, TH 11:45 AM-12:45 PM
The purpose of Introduction to Digital Journalism is to provide students with a basic working knowledge of online journalism today, including the technical skills of using blogs and social media, producing video, audio, and still digital photographs to enhance written stories. Students will look at existing examples of professional digital journalism and create their own content, combining writing, photos, videos, and/or audio on their own blogs or custom websites.
CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-Individual & Society
Journalism Option: Elective
Section: 0915 | F 2:15-5:35 PM
This course considers and analyzes the graphic novel as a genre and its contributions to literature through the addition of illustration and sequential art. Emphasis will be placed on the thematic concerns raised by adding visual texts and word art to written narrative, history, and fiction. The emergence of new trends in storytelling through the illumination of alphanumeric writing with visual components will be examined.
English Major: Program Elective
Section: 0916 | T 1:00-4:25 PM
This is a course in the art and craft of writing a fictional narrative for the screen. Screenwriting genres and applications vary widely, yet everyone reaches their audience through storytelling. Students examine the ways cinematic narratives show rather than tell. Students then create their own 10-minute movie script. They explore scene and act structure, character development, dialogue, description, etc. Students learn professional standards for writing for the screen and how to use screenplay software.
CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-Creative Expression
Section: 0918 | M 11:45 AM-2:00 PM, W 11:45 AM-12:45 PM
This course examines the contributions to American literature made by Chicana, Puerto Rican, Cuban, and Dominican women writers in the United States over the last thirty years. It surveys the variety of Latina writing and explores the ways in which Latina writers represent community, class, race, gender, culture, nation, and ethnicity in their works. Poetry, fiction, essays, autobiographical prose, and dramatic works by authors such as Julia Alvarez, Gloria Anzaldua, Sandra Cisneros, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Cristina Garcia, Cherrie Moraga, and Nicholasa Mohr will be studied.
CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-U.S. Experience in its Diversity
English Major: Program Elective
Creative Writing Track: Program Elective
Section: 0920 | T 11:45 12:45 PM, TH 10:30 12:45 PM
This course introduces students to ways of reading, discussing, and writing about novels through a close reading and analysis of their elements and a consideration of their social, cultural, and artistic contexts. Novels from a diverse range of sexual, racial, class, and ethnic perspectives from the 18th Century to the present will be selected, including such writers as Jane Austen, James Baldwin, Charles Dickens, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Zora Neale Hurston, Yasunari Kawabata, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Toni Morrison, Mark Twain, and Richard Wright.
CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-Individual & Society
Section: 0927 | T 2:15-3:15 PM, TH 1:00-3:15 PM
This course is designed to introduce students to poetry writing. In writing and revising poems, students will utilize a variety of writing styles. For example, they will practice formal modes such as sonnet, blank verse, and sestina, and they will also write free verse. To locate stylistic and thematic approaches for their own poems, students will read and discuss poetry in a variety of styles and historical modes. They will have the opportunity to hear poets read works and discuss the writing process. Engaging frequently in peer critiquing of each other’s work, students will also develop criteria for evaluating their own poetry and for doing revision. By the end of the semester, they will learn how to submit poetry for publication.
CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-Creative Expressions
English Major: Program Elective
Creative Writing Workshop: Program Elective
Section: 0931 | M 2:25-5:35 PM
This course guides students through the playwriting process as they compose original monologues, scenes, and scripts intended for live performance. In-class exercises will explore traditional elements of dramatic structure, experimental alternatives, and inclusive approaches using methods and models from professional playwrights. The workshop culminates with final in-class readings of revised pieces and guidance on how to submit or self-produce your own dramatic writing.
CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-Creative Expression
English Major: Program Elective
Creative Writing Track: Creative Writing Workshop
Section: 0933 | M 11:45 AM-2:00 PM, W 11:45 AM-12:45 PM
This course focuses on the technical and stylistic elements of crafting fiction with the goal of creating fully revised, original short stories. The course utilizes draft sessions addressing the critical elements of fiction and the revision process. The course readings will emphasize world writers of the short story, and the course may include field trips to hear published writers reading their work. The final portion of the course will address the preparation of short stories for professional submission.
CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-Creative Expression
English Major: Program Elective
Creative Writing Track: Creative Writing Workshop
Section: 0934 | T 1:00-3:15 PM
Section: 0935 | TH 2:15-5:35 PM
The purpose of the English Major Internship course is to provide majors with internships with a faculty member in order to design and complete or complete a significant portion of a major scholarly, research, creative, or social project with the intent to publish, present, or otherwise make available the outcomes of the project. This project may take the form of a group internship course to produce an in-house publication, such as a student newspaper or literary journal.
CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core- World Cultures
English Major: Program Elective
Journalism Option: Program Elective
Section: 0936 | M 11:45 AM-12:40 PM, W 10:30 AM-12:45 PM
Students read, discuss, and write analytical essays about important texts in literary critical theory. They also learn to apply methods to specific literary texts. Some theorists covered might include Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, T.S. Elliot, Mikhail Bakhtin, Walter Benjamin, Jacques Lacan, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Elaine Showalter, Helene Cixous, Edward Said, Henry Louis Gates, and Judith Butler.
CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-Creative Expression
English Major: Required Program Core
Creative Writing Track: Required Program Core
Section: 5679 | T, TH 6:00-7:30 PM
This course covers major writers, genres, and themes in British literature from 1660 to the present. This includes Restoration, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Victorianism, Modernism and Postmodernism. Attention will be given to social, intellectual, cultural, and political contexts in order to help the students understand the works. In addition to reading major authors from John Dryden to Zadie Smith, the course may examine ballads, slave narratives, journalism, diaries, pamphlets, and other genres.
CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-World Cultures & Global Issues
Section: 0938 | T 9:15-11:30 AM, TH 9:15-10:15 AM
This course examines the development of literature written in the United States from the end of the Civil War to the present. The course covers major literary movements such as Realism, Naturalism, Modernism, and Postmodernism, highlighting the diverse political, social, and cultural contexts involved in shaping them. Genres such as fiction, poetry, essay, drama, and autobiography by Hemingway, Toomer, Miller, Morrison, and Silko will be studied.
CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-World Cultures & Global Issues
ENN198: Introduction to Creative Writing: Creative Writing Workshop
Section: 0946 | T 3:25-5:35 PM
This course introduces students to the elements of creative writing by using New York as a writer’s laboratory. Field trips to city places such as schools, streets, and parks will lead to writing that uses these places and their people as themes. Students will write creative pieces — sketches, brief narratives, poems, and dramatic dialogues dealing with this glimpse of New York life. Reading and visits with New York writers writing on New York themes will complement these activities.
CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-World Cultures & Global Issues