Types of Crises
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If you believe a student is at risk, shows signs of psychological or emotional distress, and/or could benefit from seeing a counselor, please refer them to the Wellness Center.
Emergency? If a student is a danger to self and others, call Public Safety at ext. 5555.
The Student Concern Assessment and Response Team can help you identify unusual behaviors and understand when that conduct suggests a psychological crisis. Our guidelines below can also help you understand when and how to intervene, depending on the severity of the situation.
Identifying Behaviors
Irrational or inappropriate behavior causing disruption in or outside the classroom (e.g. inappropriate focusing of attention on self in class, going on and on about personal life in class, or repeatedly taking class focus off track).
Ask to speak to the student privately and confidentially. Indicate concern for the student’s welfare and ask what started their reaction. Listen and determine whether the student needs to be referred to counseling for further assessment. When the time is right, state your rules for acceptable behavior in the class and set limits. If disruptive behavior continues, after a warning, the matter should be referred to the Office of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Advocacy at 718-482-5180.
If a student starts to tell you that he/she has suffered abuse as a child (while under the age of 18), stop the student from revealing this unless he/she is willing to have the information reported to the authorities. The law requires that a report be made to the authorities which identifies the perpetrator, especially if the perpetrator is still around children. If the abuse occurred as an adult (18+), it’s up to the victim to file a complaint. Please refer the student to a Student Concern Assessment and Response Team member or contact a Student Concern Assessment and Response Team member to report information.
Anxiety can take the form of an exaggerated fear of failing, nervousness and difficulty in concentrating, the tendency to overreact with fear, or manic talking/frenzied activity. Ask to speak to the student privately and confidentially. Indicate concern for the student’s welfare and ask if they are aware of the behavior. Listen and determine whether the student needs to be referred to counseling for further assessment. Inform the student that the College has trained professional help available. Refer the student to a crisis counselor for an interview and assistance. If the situation is extreme and the student seems to need immediate help, walk them to the counselor’s office for an appointment.
- Let them discuss their feelings and thoughts. Often this alone relieves a great deal of pressure.
- Provide reassurance.
- Remain calm.
- Be clear and directive.
- Provide a safe and quiet environment until the symptoms subside.
- Offer to assist the student in referring them for personal counseling.
- Minimize the perceived threat to which the student is reacting.
- Take responsibility for their emotional state.
- Overwhelm them with information or ideas to “fix” their condition.
Delusional behavior is when a student experiences distortion of reality (e.g. belief that they are being singled out, or that they are super-special individuals with special gifts or talents, or that the instructor is deliberately mistreating them.) Students may also go on and on about becoming a star or going into movies or getting a scholarship to an Ivy League school, etc.
Consult with a crisis counselor regarding the student. The counselor can subsequently come to the class on some pretext to observe. An interview can be arranged if the behavior does seem aberrant.
Evidence of depression: sudden change of interest in class, flattened feelings, sad or fatigued, complaints of insomnia, and loss of desire to be in school or with friends.
Ask to speak to the student privately and confidentially. Indicate concern for the student’s welfare and ask if they are aware of the behavior. Listen and determine whether the student needs to be referred to counseling for further assessment. Inform the student that this college has trained professional help available. Refer the student to a crisis counselor for an interview and assistance. If the situation is extreme and the student seems to need immediate help, walk them to the counseling office for an appointment.
- Let the student know that you’re aware they’re feeling down and you would like to help.
- Encourage the student to discuss how they’re feeling with someone they trust.
- Offer to assist the student in referring them for personal counseling.
- Minimize the student’s feelings – e.g., “Don’t worry.” or “Everything will be better tomorrow.”
- Bombard the student with “fix it” solutions or advice.
- Chastise the student for poor or incomplete work.
- Be afraid to ask the student whether they are suicidal.
Examples of willful disobedience include refusing to follow directions or behaving disruptively in class, refusing to leave when asked, or refusing to adhere to class rules.
Ask the person in a calm manner to talk to you privately, away from peers. If this fails to produce acceptable behavior, end the class for the day and contact a crisis counselor for assistance. If the student is out of control, call the campus police to handle it.
Disorientation is characterized by a somewhat glazed expression, a lack of appropriate affect when talking, difficulty in listening with concentration, literal complaining of disorientation, exhibiting chronic self-talk, hearing voices, or seeing things that aren’t there.
Consult with a crisis counselor regarding the student. The counselor can subsequently come to the class on some pretext to observe. An interview can be arranged if the behavior does seem aberrant.
If the student’s behavior is disrupting class, it may be appropriate to call for immediate assistance.
- Respond with warmth and kindness but with firm reasoning.
- Remove extra stimulation from the environment (e.g. turn off the radio or step outside of a noisy classroom).
- Acknowledge your concerns and state that you can see they need help.
- Acknowledge their feelings or fears without supporting the misperceptions (e.g., “I understand you think someone is following you, but I don’t see anyone and I believe you’re safe.”
- Focus on the “here and now.” Ask for specific information about the student’s awareness of time, place, and destination.
- Speak to their healthy side, which they have. It’s okay to laugh and joke when appropriate
- Argue or try to convince them of the irrationality of their thinking. This commonly produces a stronger defense of false perceptions.
- Play along (e.g., “Oh yeah, I hear the voices.” or “Yes, I see the devil.”)
- Encourage further discussion of the delusional processes.
- Demand, command or order.
- Expect customary emotional responses.
Cussing or talking loudly, arguing instead of discussing, challenging everything that is presented as wrong, or yelling angrily and uncontrollably.
Take precautions to take care of yourself and others in the situation if the person is behaving menacingly. Ask the student to talk privately away from the group and try to calm them down. If the behavior continues to be out of control, call the campus police and report the matter to the Office of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Advocacy at 718-482-5180.
- Acknowledge their anger and frustration (e.g., “I hear how angry you are.”)
- Rephrase what they are saying and identify their emotion (e.g., “I can see how upset you are because you feel your rights are being violated and nobody will listen.”)
- Reduce stimulation; invite the person to a quiet place if it is comfortable and safe.
- Listen and allow them to vent, get their feelings out, and tell you what is upsetting them.
- Be directive and firm about the behaviors you will accept (e.g., “Please stand back, you’re too close.”, “I cannot listen to you when you yell and scream at me that way.” or “Let’s step outside to discuss this further.”)
- Remember: safety first.
- Prohibit the student from entering your work area/classroom/office if the behavior is repeated.
- Get into an argument or shouting match.
- Become hostile or punitive (e.g., “You can’t talk to me that way!”)
- Press for explanations for their behavior.
- Ignore the situation.
- Touch the student.
A sudden change in attitude from normal to unfocused, preoccupied, or poor performance might be caused by depression. Distress is usually caused by personal problems that seem overwhelming, and anxiety is one form of distress that may stem from school-related or personal concerns.
Talk to the student privately by indicating that you have noticed a change in their manner or behavior and inquire if there is something that they might need help with. Often the student will open up, in which case you should listen empathetically and suggest the College’s counseling services. Then, refer the student to a crisis counselor. You might consult with the counselor as an intermediary step.
If the student resists or assures you that there is nothing going on to cause concern, respect their judgment and thank them for responding to your inquiry. You may still want to consult with a counselor anyway to understand if the student may be simply resisting or to get information on what behaviors to look for that may indicate more serious problems.
A student complains to you that another student has been making demeaning remarks or treating them in an unacceptable manner.
Listen to the student and refer the matter to Office of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Advocacy at 718-482-5180.
Sexual harassment involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical contact; it is usually found in the context of a relationship of unequal power, rank, or status. It does not matter that the person’s intention was not to harass; it is the effect it has on others that counts. As long as the conduct interferes with a student’s academic performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning environment, it is considered sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment usually is not an isolated, one-time-only case but a repeated pattern of behavior that may include:
- Comments about one’s body or clothing.
- Questions about one’s sexual behavior.
- Demeaning references to one’s gender.
- Sexually oriented jokes.
- Conversations filled with innuendoes and double meanings.
- Displaying of sexually suggestive pictures or objects.
- Repeated non-reciprocated demands for dates or sex.
Sexual harassment is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. Common reactions of students who have been harassed are to doubt their perceptions, wondering if it was a joke, if it really happened or, if in some way, they have brought it on themselves. A student may begin to participate less in the classroom, avoid or drop classes, or even change majors.
- Listen carefully to the student, validating their experience.
- Maintain objectivity — separate your personal biases from your professional role.
- Report this situation to the Office of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Advocacy at 718-482-5180
- Encourage the student to keep a log or find a witness.
- Help students seek informal advice through a department chair, supervisor, or advisor.
- Do nothing. Taking no action invalidates the student’s already shaky perception and puts the College in a vulnerable position should this behavior continue.
- Overreact.
Disrupting class with irrelevant talk or disturbing others, occupying areas not meant for loitering, sitting on cafeteria tables, or smoking in prohibited areas all qualify as misconduct.
If it is a one-time incident, tell the student or students that smoking is prohibited in that area. If a student persists, talk privately to the person and indicate that a referral to the Office of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Advocacy (718-482-5180) will be necessary if they persist.
Please report misconduct resulting in injury or damage to property or conduct such as throwing objects, applying graffiti, scratching cars or smashing plants to the campus police at 718-482-5555.
Difficulty concentrating, freezing up on tests or chronic personal problems can distract a student from adequate academic performance.
Discuss the problem and explore the nature of the concerns together. Personal problems may be resolved with information to manage them (e.g., in the case of test anxiety, a short-term course on test-taking may be needed.) However, difficulty in concentrating may be caused by concerns that may pass or could indicate more serious problems. If it seems to be the latter, a referral to a crisis counselor would be in order. Always follow up with the student to show support for their well-being.
Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs when a person suffers an unexpected psychological shock.
Many throughout the country suffered from this after the 9/11 attack. The symptoms can be insomnia with flashbacks, unexplained anxiety, mild depression, exaggerated vigilance for danger, and/or withdrawal from normal activities. Experiencing assault or witnessing a tragic incident can cause traumatic stress. Many may suffer after involvement in war.
Students with unusual fears or anxiety during a war period may be experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder and could benefit from counseling. Consult with a Student Concern Assessment and Response Team member to determine how to help.
Listen supportively and observe the student’s state of mind, looking for signs of depression, suicidal potential, anxiety or rage. Advise the student of their right to file a complaint and inform them of support services.
Alcohol is the most widely used psychoactive drug. It is common to find alcohol abusers in college populations also abusing other drugs, both prescription and illicit. Patterns of use are affected by fads and peer pressure. Currently, alcohol is the preferred drug on college campuses.
The effects of alcohol on the user are well known to most of us. Irresponsible, unpredictable behavior affecting the learning situation (i.e., drunk and disorderly in class), or a combination of the health and social impairments associated with alcohol abuse noticeably sabotages student performance.
Alcohol abuse by a student is most often identified by faculty. Because of the denial that exists in most substance abusers, it is important to express your concern to the student in terms of specific changes in behavior/performance rather than in terms of suspicions about alcohol/drug abuse.
- Confront the student with the behavior that is of concern
- Address the substance abuse issue if the student is open and willing.
- Offer concern for the student’s overall well-being.
- Refer the student to the Wellness Center or Office of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Advocacy at 718- 482-5180.
- Convey judgment or criticism about the student’s substance abuse.
- Make allowances for the student’s irresponsible behavior.
- Ignore signs of intoxication in the classroom.
If a student is a danger to themselves or others, contact Public Safety at ext. 5555 or call 911.
Always take suicide threats seriously and get help immediately. Listen supportively and contact the Office of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Advocacy at 718-482-5180. If needed, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK(8255).
Ask the student for the names of individuals who can follow up and check on them through the next day. If suicide seems imminent, ask the student if he/she is willing to commit himself/herself to a mental health hospital for observation and treatment. If the person is not willing, consider whether or not to call the campus police at ext. 5555.
- Take the student seriously — 80 percent of suicides give a warning of their intent.
- Be direct — ask if the student is suicidal, if they have a plan, and if they have the means to carry out that plan. Exploring this with the student actually decreases the impulse to follow the plan.
- Be available to listen.
- Advise local police if a threat of suicide is imminent.
- Assure the student that you are their friend; agree you are a stranger, but even strangers can be concerned.
- Be overly warm and nurturing.
- Flatter or participate in their games; you don’t know their rules.
- Be cute or humorous.
- Challenge or agree with any mistaken or illogical beliefs.
- Be ambiguous.
Typically, even the utmost time and energy given to these students is not enough. They often seek to control their time and unconsciously believe the amount of time received is a reflection of their worth. You may find yourself increasingly drained and feeling responsible for this student in a way that is beyond your normal involvement. It is important that this student be connected with many resources of support on campus and in the community in general.
- Let them make their own decisions.
- Set firm and clear limits on your personal time and involvement.
- Offer referrals to other resources on and off campus.
- During repeated interactions, stand while speaking with the student; limit discussion to 3 minutes.
- Get trapped into giving advice, special conditions, etc.
- Avoid the student as an alternative to setting and enforcing limits.
Violence due to emotional distress is rare and typically occurs when the student’s level of frustration has been so intense or of such an enduring nature as to erode all of the student’s emotional controls. This behavior is often associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs. The adage, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” best applies here.
- Prevent total frustration and helplessness by quickly and calmly acknowledging the intensity of the situation (e.g., “I can see you’re really upset.”)
- Explain clearly and directly what behaviors are acceptable (e.g., “You certainly have the right to be angry, but breaking things is not okay.”)
- Stay safe – maintain easy access to a door and keep furniture between you and the student.
- Immediately seek assistance; contact Campus Safety at 718-482-5555.
- Notify the Office of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Advocacy at 718-482-5180.
- Ignore warning signs that the person is about to explode (e.g., yelling, screaming, clenched fists o threats).
- Threaten or corner the student.
- Touch the student.
Death in the family, spousal abuse, being evicted, being fired, loss of a pregnancy, death of a class member and divorce can lead to traumatic incident stress.
Approach the student privately before or after class and indicate your concern. In some cases, the student may approach you to reveal that they were absent due to something you see as traumatic. This allows you a means of inquiring how the student is coping with the situation. Indicate to the student that this incident may be more serious than it appears, and offer the resources of our crisis counseling services. If a student in the class dies, you can contact a Student Concern Assessment and Response Team member to determine the best way to support other students in the class.
Find out more about helping students in distress.
Risk and Intervention
The Student Concern Assessment and Response Team is dedicated to providing or referring students to the most appropriate resources, on and off campus. Here is a guide on the intervention methods that should occur — including whether or not you should confront the student — based on varying levels of risk.
Definition of Mild Risk
- Disruptive or concerning behavior
- A student may or may not show signs of distress
- No threat was made or present
Intervention for Mild Risk
- Confrontation by reporter
- Behavioral contract or treatment plan with the student
- Student conduct response
- Evaluate for disability services and/or medical referral
- Conflict management, mediation, problem-solving
Definition of Moderate risk
- Behavior more concerning; repeated disruption and likely distressed or low-level disturbance
- Possible threat made or present
- The threat is vague and indirect
- Information about the threat or threat itself is inconsistent, implausible, or lacks detail
- Threat lacks realism
- The content of the threat suggests the threatener is unlikely to carry it out
Intervention for Moderate Risk
- Confrontation by reporter
- Behavioral contract or treatment plan with the student
- Student conduct response
- Evaluate for disability services and/or medical referral
- Conflict management, mediation (not if physical/violent), problem-solving
Definition of Elevated risk
- Seriously disruptive incident(s)
- A student exhibiting clear distress
- Threat made or present
- Threat made is vague and indirect but may be repeated or shared with multiple reporters
- Information about the threat or threat itself is inconsistent, implausible, or lacks detail
- Threat lacks realism or is repeated with variations
- The content of the threat suggests the threatener is unlikely to carry it out
Intervention for Elevated Risk
- Confrontation by reporter
- Evaluate parental/guardian notification
- Evaluate the need to request permission from students to receive medical/educational records
- Consider interim suspension if applicable
- Evaluate for disability services and/or medical referral
- Consider referral or mandated assessment
Definition of Severe Risk
- The student is not merely disruptive or distressed but is disturbed or advancing to dysregulation
- Threat made or present
- The threat is vague but direct, or specific but indirect
- Likely to be repeated or shared with multiple reporters
- Information about the threat or threat itself is consistent, plausible, or includes increasing detail of a plan (time, place, target, etc.)
- The threat is plausible or is repeated with consistency (may try to convince the listener they are serious)
- The content of the threat suggests the threatener may carry it out
- Acts of violence or directed disruptive behavior
Intervention for Severe Risk
- Possible confrontation by reporter
- Parental/guardian notification is obligatory unless contraindicated
- Evaluate emergency notification to others (FERPA/HIPAA/Clery)
- No behavioral contracts
- Recommend interim suspension if applicable
- Possible liaison with local police to compare red flags
- Deploy mandated assessment
- Evaluate for medical/psychological transport
- Evaluate for custodial hold
- Consider voluntary/involuntary medical withdrawal
- Direct threat eligible
- Law enforcement response
- Consider eligibility for involuntary commitment
Definition of Extreme Risk
- The student is dysregulated (way off baseline) or medically disabled
- Threat made or present
- The threat is concrete (specific or direct)
- Likely to be repeated or shared with multiple reporters
- Information about the threat or threat itself is consistent, plausible or includes specific detail of a plan (time, place, target, etc.), often with steps already taken
- The threat may be repeated with consistency
- The content of the threat suggests the threatener will carry it out (a reference to weapons, means, resources, etc.)
- Threatener may appear detached;
- Act of violence with contact to public and self.
Intervention for Extreme Risk
- Possible confrontation by reporter
- Parental/guardian notification is obligatory unless contraindicated
- Evaluate emergency notifications to others
- No behavioral contracts
- Interim suspension if applicable
- Possible liaison with local police to compare red flags
- Too serious for mandated assessment
- Evaluate for medical/psychological transport
- Evaluate for custodial hold
- Initiate voluntary/involuntary medical withdrawal
- Direct threat eligible
- Law enforcement response
- Consider eligibility for involuntary commitment