Emergency Response Guide

LaGuardia Community College’s Emergency Response Guide provides resources and contact information to help students, faculty and staff respond to emergencies that threaten the health and safety of individuals, the campus community and/or disrupt the College’s operations.

This guide is based on best practices standards for emergency response. However, it cannot foresee all specific conditions that may occur during an emergency situation. The guide is most effective when combined with common sense during an actual emergency.
To download an accessible, printable PDF version of the guide, click here: Emergency Guide

If you discover an emergency on the LaGuardia Community College campus:

  • Stay calm
  • Call 911 and Public Safety for Personal Safety and Medical Emergencies
  • Give your name, and location, and follow emergency-specific instructions

Emergency Phone Numbers

Call 911
Call Public Safety at (718) 482-5555

Definition: In the event of a crisis, if there is evidence of possible harm to students, faculty, staff, and visitors, instructions for protecting yourself in your current location or to evacuate may be given.

Evacuation Actions:

  • Occupants should use the nearest and safest EXIT when an evacuation order is given.
  • Evacuate calmly, close doors as you leave to contain fre/smoke.
  • Persons requiring evacuation assistance shall assemble near blue striped wall near the elevators for rescue by frst responders
  • Notify frst responders of any persons withdisabilities who may still be in the affectedarea or building.
  • Based upon the type of emergency, occupants may be asked to move farther away from impacted areas.

Shelter-In-Place Actions

  • Public Safety will provide instructions.
  • Stay in your current location. If outside, move away from the area and await further instruction.
  • Encourage all individuals to stay inside of the buildings and rooms.
  • Close and lock doors and windows. Keep path of entry doors clear for emergency personnel.
  • Notify frst responders of any persons withdisabilities who are in the shelter.
  • Do not leave the shelter area until an “All Clear” announcement is received from emergency personnel.

For fire and smoke conditions – pull fire alarm, call 911 and public safety at (718) 482-5555

  • Evacuate when fre alarm is activated. Do not assume a false fre alarm
  • Evacuate the area using the NEAREST SAFE EXIT. Do not use elevator unless authorized by emergency personnel
  • Close all doors, windows, and other openings behind you as you evacuate
  • Once outside, move away from the building and allow first responders to enter
  • Persons requiring evacuation assistance shall assemble near blue striped wall near the elevators for rescue by first responders
  • Notify frst responders of any persons with disabilities who may be in the affected area

Protect Yourself

  • If a person is on fire: Stop, drop and roll!
  • In smoke filled environments, stay low and go!
  • Evacuate the area using the NEAREST SAFE EXIT
  • Do not use elevator unless authorized by emergency personnel


  • Use a fire extinguisher on small fires if you are able to do so
  • Never attempt to put out a fire with your back to a wall. Always leave a way out for yourself
  • A fire can double in size every thirty seconds. Speed is essential

Be Prepared

  • Locate and learn how to use fire extinguishers
  • Learn evacuation routes
  • Practice exiting your area by imagining you are in a smoke-filled environment


  • Call Public Safety to report any injuries or exposures
  • Isolate area of spill/leak. Do not attempt to clean
  • Alert others in immediate area
  • If known, note any characteristics about the spilled material

Near Campus

  • Follow CUNYAlert Emergency Notification System messaging for shelter-in-place or evacuation instructions
  • Sign up for CUNYAlert on LaGuardia’s website: laguardia.edu/publicsafety

Call Public Safety at (718) 482-5555

If you receive a bomb threat call:

  • Be calm and courteous and do not interrupt the caller
  • Ask questions about location of the device, time device is set to go off, type of device
  • Keep the caller on line as long as possible to obtain relevant information:

Note: date and time of call, gender of the caller, approximate age and emotional state.
Listen carefully: accent, voice description (e.G., calm, louda and nervous) and background noise.

Suspicious package/object
Do not touch or move the object
Do not use cell phone or radios in the immediate area

Written threat
Do not handle suspicious mail or packages
Note date, time, location where the written threat was received

Threat via electronic media
Save all communication documents e.G., email, text, social media posts, telephone messages, notes of telephone conversations

Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VcSwejU2D0#action=share RUN. HIDE. FIGHT. video

Definition: A situation where a person displays a knife, gun or other weapons in a threatening or violent manner.


  • If you can do so safely, exit the building immediately. Leave possessions behind
  • Tell anyone that you encounter to do the same
  • DO NOT pull the fire alarm as it may cause unknowing occupants to evacuate to a danger zone
  • When safe to do so, call 911 and Public Safety
  • Give your name, location of incident, number of shooters, type of weapon, perpetrator’s route, and if there are any injured persons


  • If you are unable to safely evacuate go to nearest room
  • Lock and/or barricade the door
  • Stay away from doors/ windows
  • Turn off the lights
  • Stay low to the ground and shield behind large objects
  • Stay quiet. Silence cell phones
  • Do not answer door unless an “All Clear” announcement has been given


  • As a last resort, fight – fighting back is dangerous but it may be your only option in the situation
  • Act as a group if possible
  • Improvise weapons
  • Act with physical aggression
  • Commit to your actions
  • Once assailant is under control, call 911 and Public Safety

How to act when law enforcement arrives:

  • Remain calm and follow officers’ instructions
  • Do not carry items – raise hands and spread fingers
  • Don’t make quick movements toward officers, or try to hold onto them for safety
  • Do not point, scream, or yell

What you should do

  • Call public safety with the following information: your name, and a call-back number
  • Exact location
  • Type of emergency
  • Description of individual’s injury or illness
  • Follow public safety’s instructions

General guidance

  • Ensure your own safety before helping others
  • Administer cpr (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) or use the aed (automated external defibrillator). If necessary
  • Keep injured person warm with a coat or blanket
  • Do not move the injured person unless there is an immediate danger
  • Do not give the injured person anything to eat or drink

For reporting infectious diseases

Call the health center at (718) 482-5280, monday-friday, 9am – 5pm, and public safety all other times
Call public safety at (718) 482-5555

Definition: someone is experiencing emotional and/or mental distress and could pose immediate danger to self or others.

Immediate threat of suicide or harm to others
Call 911 and public safety (718) 482-5555

  • Attempt to calm the distressed person if you are able
  • Do not leave the suicidal person alone

Mental health crisis numbers
Public safety
24 hours/day, 7 days a week
(718) 482-5555
Wellness center room c249
Monday-friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
(718) 482-5471

Free, confidential mental health crisis services
New york city well
1-(888) 692-9355 or
Text well to 65173

Call public safety (718) 482-5555

For situations that pose an immediate threat of danger on campus, call public safety at (718) 482-5555 if it is safe to do so. Refer persons who pose a potential threat to public safety and your supervisor. For your safety and others’, never meet with anyone who has threatened you or may be a danger to you.

Verbally abusive behavior
Examples include: disorderly conduct, threats, disruptive/aggressive challenges to course instruction, harassment/bullying (in person or electronically), verbal altercation, use of profanity, and physically challenging body language.

  • Remain calm
  • Listen carefully. Let the person know you are willing to help if you can
  • If the behavior persists, get the attention of others around you
  • If the situation is escalating, or if you feel there is an immediate threat and if you are safely able to do so, call public safety
  • If in immediate danger, leave the area using any excuse necessary
  • Once in a safe location, call public safety to report the incident if you have not already done so
  • Report the incident to your supervisor after reporting to public safety

Physically aggressive behavior

  • Examples include: possession of weapon, fighting, physical altercation
  • Do not engage the physically aggressive person. Leave your workspace immediately. Go to a location with other people
  • Call public safety if you are safely able to do so
  • Report the incident to your supervisor after reporting to public safety

Call public safety at (718) 482-5555

Sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking are serious violations of the law. Report them to 911 or public safety at (718) 482-5555. Sexual harassment and gender-based harassment are violations of the college’s policy on sexual misconduct www.Laguardia.Edu/sexual-misconduct/) and should be reported to laguardia’s title ix coordinator (718) 482-5088. Learn more: www.Laguardia.Edu/title-ix/

If you are threatened with or a victim of physical violence on or off campus, call public safety at (718) 482-5555.

Reporting sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking on or off campus:

  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible: campus public safety or the police can help you get medical care or you can go on your own or with a friend to an emergency room
  • If you are a victim of rape, go to an emergency room and ask for a rape exam. For a list of hospitals with rape exam services, visit: www.Svfreenyc.Org
  • Do not bathe or brush your teeth after an assault if you plan to seek medical attention. Keep the clothing you were wearing in a paper, not plastic, bag. If the assault took place in a room do not move furniture and/or clean
  • Call the college’s title ix coordinator*or public safety so that the college can take measures to protect and support you
  • Members of the college community are mandatory reporters. They must report known information related to incidents of sexual violence/harassment/genderbased harassment. Consult the cuny policy on sexual misconduct to determine if you are a mandatory reporter
  • A student/staff/faculty member whose incident comes to the attention of the title ix coordinator may request no investigation be conducted/not be reported to the police. In all cases, the title ix coordinator will weigh the complainant’s request against the college’s obligation to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment for all

On campus counseling & reporting resources

Outside resources/hotlines

*The title ix coordinator helps to coordinate interim supportive measures for victims of sexual violence and confidentially conducts investigations of sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking complaints as well as complaints of sexual harassment and gender-based harassment.

Definition: when a utility and/or facility-related system is interrupted or fails,such as electricity, gas, heat, ventilation or telephones

  • Call public safety to report power outage/flood/gas smell or other building related emergencies.
  • Stay calm – give location information when reporting.
  • Follow the instructions given by public safety.
  • For injuries and health emergencies, call 911 and public safety.
  • If evacuating the building is required, use stairwells. Do not use elevators.

If in a laboratory or shop: end activities. Secure hazardous materials. Follow your laboratory/studio emergency shutdown procedure if you are able to do so safely.

If you smell gas

In a laboratory: shut off local valve and main control shut off valve. If smell persists, exit immediately and call public safety. Alert others in the area.

In other areas: evacuate immediately and call public safety as you exit. Alert others in the area.

Call public safety at (718) 482-5555

Definition: a signifcant weather emergency may impact laguardia community college such as a snow storm, hurricane, severe thunderstorm, or tornado. These events may cause strong winds, rain, hail, ice or snow.

Inclement winter weather snow/ice/wind

  • Check cunyalert emergency notification email and text alerts, college website and college email.
  • Closings, delayed openings or other restrictions of travel can be monitored through email and the college website

Hurricane/severe storm/flooding

  • Check cunyalert emergency notification email and text alerts, college website and college email
  • When advised, evacuate to designated safe areas
  • If able, remove items near windows and secure loose objects
  • Stay indoors during high winds, and keep away from exterior walls and doors
  • Stay in a safe area until warning expires or until an “all clear” announcement is made via the emergency notification system or from emergency personnel

If in laboratory or shop

  • End activities
  • Secure hazardous materials
  • Follow your laboratory/studio emergency shutdown procedure if you are able to do so safely.


  • Drop down onto your hands and knees so the earthquake doesn’t knock you down
  • Cover your head and neck with your arms to protect yourself from falling debris by crawling under a sturdy desk or table
  • Hold on to any sturdy covering so you can move with it until the shaking stops
  • Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls

Call public safety at (718) 482-5555

Examples of threats that should be reported to public safety:

  • Cyber harassment – treats of physical violence, cyber bullying, invasions of privacy, blackmail, coercion
  • Criminal activities – identity theft, email fraud, illegal solicitations, child or adult pornography/exploitation, trafficking of drugs, firearms or incendiary devices

Examples of threats you shouldreport to the division ofinformation technology (718) 482-6134:

  • Hacking – use of computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a computer
  • Malware – software that is intended to damage or disable computers or computer systems
  • Ransomware – a type of malware that prevents or limits users from accessing their systems or files by locking user files unless a ransom is paid

Best practices

  • Never share passwords
  • Never use thumb drives or other media that does not belong to you
  • Avoid unfamiliar websites when at work
  • Always encrypt sensitive data on laptops and or portable devices
  • Never open suspicious emails or attachments
  • Never try to fix the issue yourself
  • Never forward suspicious emails or attachments
  • Never respond to requests for personal information
  • Never provide payment to retrieve access to your pc or data
  • Never forget to take your flash drive, memory stick/thumb drive and other media with you

Never share your passwords, pin numbers, social security number and other personal data. Cuny students, faculty and staff can download the latest mcafee antivirus software for free by visiting the free and discounted software section of the cuny emall located on the cuny portal: http://cuny.Edu/portal
