The English Language Center
Student Handbook


Thank you for choosing The English Language Center (TELC). You made the right choice! We hope this handbook will answer your questions about our program and provide you with resources as you study with us.

If you can’t find what you are looking for here, please come to C-354 and ask. Or just stop by to say, “Hello.”


The English Language Center (TELC) is the largest English language program in New York City. Since 1971, we have served over 275,000 students from over 80 countries.

TELC belongs to the Division of Adult and Continuing Education at LaGuardia Community College, which is one of 24 branches of the City University of New York (CUNY). As a community college, LaGuardia offers two-year academic degrees called associate’s degrees. After finishing at LaGuardia, many students transfer to one of CUNY’s four-year colleges to study for bachelor’s degrees.

The classes at TELC are designed to help improve your language skills and help you reach other goals, such as enrolling in college, or living more comfortably in the United States.



The Intensive English Program (IEP) is the largest Intensive English Program in New York City. As an IEP student, you take four different classes – usually with four different teachers. Three of these classes are based on the skills of writing, reading, and listening & speaking. Your fourth class depends on your level.

  • Intensive English Program (winter, spring, fall)
    • Monday to Friday, 9:00am – 1:30pm
  • Intensive English Program (summer)
    • Monday to Thursday, 9:00am – 2:30pm



We have 10 levels, from beginning (Level 1) to very advanced (Level 10). The placement test, which assesses your listening, speaking and writing skills determines your initial level. Levels are often divided into sections with two classes at one level, for example, 3.1 and 3.2. The level of these sections is exactly the same.

What if I get placed in the wrong level?

During the first week of classes, your teachers will carefully assess your skills by evaluating your speaking, reading, and writing abilities. If you are a new student and your writing instructor determines that you are either too advanced or not advanced enough for the class, the teacher may recommend adjusting your level.

If you have a question about your level, talk with your writing teacher.

If you have concerns about your level, please discuss them with your writing teacher before coming to the office. We strive to accommodate level change requests from new students if recommended by their writing instructor, though it may not always be possible.


Students are placed on academic probation if they have taken the same level twice and are recommended to continue at the same level for a third time. Students on academic probation must have regular progress meetings with the Academic Coordinator. Students on academic probation who fail to get promoted due to lack of progress, effort or poor attendance, will not be allowed to register for the next quarter.


A student is considered to have completed the Intensive English Program when they have successfully fulfilled the Level 10 coursework requirements and received a recommended level of 10E from their Level 10 instructors.

Once a student receives the 10E designation, they are permitted to register for one additional quarter to further enhance their English skills while preparing for the next steps in their education or career.


We offer part-time classes in the evenings and on Saturdays that focus on a range of language skills.

  • Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (Monday-Thursday, 6:30pm – 9:00pm)
  • Listening and Speaking (Monday and Wednesday, 6:30pm – 9:00pm)
  • Reading and Writing (Tuesday and Thursday, 6:30pm – 9:00pm)
  • Online Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (Tuesday and Thursday, 6:30pm – 9:00pm)
  • Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (9:00am – 2:30pm)



We offer 8 levels in the evening and on Saturdays, from beginning (Level 1) to advanced (Level 8). Each level is further divided into two parts: A and B.


The placement test, which assesses your listening, speaking and writing skills determines your initial level. All students are required to take a placement test at the start of the program. Evening students may be assigned to different levels for their reading and writing classes, as well as their listening and speaking classes. For example, if your speaking and listening skills are more advanced, you may place into a higher level (e.g., 5A). However, if your reading and writing skills require more improvement, you may test into a lower level (e.g., 4A). In this case, you would be assigned to a level 5A listening and speaking class, and a level 4A reading and writing class.


A curriculum is a structured plan that guides teachers in their instruction. Each level has its own curriculum, which includes clear goals and objectives, appropriate textbooks, specific classroom topics and activities, assessments, and other essential components.


Faculty refers to the group of teachers working together within the same school or program. The TELC faculty consists of approximately 60 educators who are professionally trained in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). All members of the TELC faculty hold bachelor’s and master’s degrees, with some also having doctorates. Many of your instructors also teach in other ESL programs across New York City, often at renowned universities where students pay significantly higher tuition than at LaGuardia.


Promotion is based on proficiency, which refers to your actual skill in using English. You will only be promoted if you demonstrate that you are ready for the next level.

To demonstrate this proficiency, you should attend class, participate in discussions and other activities, complete assignments, speak English with your teacher and classmates, and pass your final exam. Teachers have many ways to evaluate your proficiency. First, they monitor your completion of assignments and your participation in class. In the middle of the term, your teacher will give you a test to find out about your progress and will let you know what you need to do to further improve your language skills. At the end of the term, you will take a final test to determine your progress. Your teacher then considers all of the work you have done to make the final promotion decision.

On the last day of class, you will receive a grade report containing information about your attendance, effort and proficiency, and your recommended level for the next quarter. Each teacher will also identify your area of greatest strength as well as the area in which you still need more work. A typical student who attends every class and works hard throughout the entire quarter will usually be promoted by one level, for example from Level 5 to Level 6 (IEP), or from Level 5A to Level 5B (for evening and Saturday classes).

Some students may need a second quarter at the same level before moving to a higher level. If you have been working hard, do not be discouraged if your teachers think you should stay at the same level for one more quarter. Language learning does not always move at the same speed; at times, you may make rapid progress, while at other times, your progress may slow down. What is most important is that you are well-prepared for each new level. If you need to continue in the same level for a second quarter, use this opportunity to strengthen your skills and gain more confidence.


Your teachers will tell you which books are required for your classes. If a textbook is required, it is your responsibility to purchase the book for use during the quarter. We do not condone the photocopying of textbooks since this practice violates international copyright law.


Some students may need to cancel their class unexpectedly. If you are unable to continue your studies, please notify the TELC Office Staff in room C-354 and complete a refund request form as soon as possible. In all cases, please inform us as soon as you become aware of the need for a refund.

    • Refund amounts are calculated as percentages of the tuition—the money you paid for the course. Registration fees are non-refundable. The refund policy is stated on TELC invoices.
    • 100% (minus the $20 cancellation fee) with a written request received 3 business days before the first scheduled class.
    • 75% (minus the $20 cancellation fee) with a written request received before 10% of the scheduled class hours* are completed.
    • 50% (minus the $20 cancellation fee) with a written request received before 20% of the scheduled class hours* are completed.
    • No refunds are granted thereafter.

*Does not depend on student attendance



If you entered the U.S. on an F-1 (student) visa, you must be careful to maintain your student status by following these regulations:

  • Keep your passport valid at all times. If your passport is going to expire soon, or if you lose your passport, visit your country’s consulate in New York or the embassy in Washington, D.C. immediately to get information about what to do.
  • Attend the school that gave you the form I-20.
  • Study in a full-time program, 18-20 hours of class each week. Do not register for a part-time program unless you have received special permission.
  • Register for classes each quarter until you finish the program or decide to transfer to a different school. (You may take a vacation once each year.)
  • If you wish to transfer to a different school, notify the TELC Office Staff in room C-354 and carefully follow all required procedures.
  • You may work on-campus if you are able to find a job, but you may not work more than 20 hours per week while classes are in session.
  • You may not work off-campus without permission.
  • If you move to a new apartment, provide your new address to the TELC Office staff in room C-354 immediately, and no later than 10 days after moving.

It is sometimes possible to change your immigration status to another status (for example, from tourist status to student status) without leaving the U.S. If you entered the country in a status other than F-1 (student) status and wish to apply for a change of status, you should speak with the TELC Coordinator of International Student Services.


If you break U.S. immigration rules (for example, you don’t register for classes, or you register but then don’t attend), you will lose your student status. It is sometimes possible to get your legal status back (this is referred to as being “reinstated”), but you must speak with the TELC Coordinator of International Student Services for more information. You have a better chance of being reinstated if all of the following are true:

  • You do not have a record of repeated status violations.
  • You are currently taking a full-time course of study, or you intend to begin a full-time course of study in the near future.
  • You have not worked in the U.S. without permission.
  • Your failure to maintain student status is the only reason you are deportable.
  • You can prove that your violation of your student status resulted from circumstances beyond your control.
  • You have been out of status for less than 5 months.

Your visa is a travel document stamped in your passport, usually at a U.S. consulate in your home country. It allows you to travel to a United States port of entry, such as Kennedy (JFK), Newark (EWR), or Los Angeles (LAX) airports, where you officially apply for permission to enter the country. In most immigration statuses, including F (student) and B (tourist) statuses, you cannot obtain or extend a visa while in the U.S. If you are in F-1 status, it doesn’t matter if your visa expires while you are in the U.S. (However, be careful that your I-20 does not expire.) If you are in B-1/B-2 status, you must leave the U.S. before your period of authorized stay expires – see Form I-94.


Your I-20 is a certificate issued by your school to the U.S. government and is a very important document. It states that you have been accepted for a full-time course of study and that you have enough financial support to attend classes. If you have studied in the United States for a while, you may have several I-20s. You should keep all of your old and new I-20s together, with the newest one on top: this packet is what you need to show if you are asked for an I-20 ID copy.


Your I-94 is an electronic record of your admission into the U.S. It indicates when you arrived and how long you can stay. If you are in F-1 status, your I-94 will include the letters D/S (for “duration of status”). This means that you can remain in the U.S. as long as you maintain your student status. In the past, the I-94 was a small white card attached to your passport at your point of entry. Now, however, you receive only an admission stamp upon arrival in the U.S. Since it is important that you have a paper copy of your I-94, go to to print out a copy.

If you wish to transfer to another school, speak with the TELC Coordinator of International Student Services. You may transfer to another school if:

  1. you have maintained your student status at TELC, and
  2. you request your transfer before the beginning of the next term—or, if you are eligible for a vacation, no later than 60 days after the end of your last term.

You must leave the United States by the completion date shown on your original I-20. If you will complete the program by the anticipated completion date, you should speak with the TELC Coordinator of International Student Services to discuss the possibility of applying for a program extension. Be sure to do this at least one month before the completion date listed on your original I-20.

  • If you are experiencing severe economic difficulties due to an unexpected change in circumstances and cannot find a job on campus, you may apply for permission to work off-campus if all of the following are true:
  • You have been in valid F-1 status for at least one academic year (9 months).
  • You are a full-time student at the present time.
  • You are in good academic standing (not on academic probation).
  • You are able to provide evidence of economic difficulty.
  • You can show that your employment will not interfere with your studies.

    If your application to work off campus is approved, you must limit your employment to 20 hours each week while you are taking classes. During vacation periods, you may work full-time.


You are allowed to take a vacation during one of the four academic quarters each year. You must study for three quarters at TELC before you are eligible for a vacation. A student in F-1 status who has been designated a 10E is not eligible for vacation. If you are interested in taking a vacation, ask for a “Leave Request” form. Complete the form and return it to the Coordinator of International Student Services who will then let you know if you are permitted to take the next quarter off. If you want to travel to another country during a vacation period, you should first contact that country’s consulate in New York or its embassy in Washington, D.C., to find out whether a visa is required for entry. Then you should make an appointment with TELC’s Coordinator of International Student Services. Bring a valid passport and the Form I-20 ID student copy.

International Travel

If you applied for a change of status in the U.S. and your visa has expired, you may be able to travel to Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean with the expired visa. Always check with the Coordinator of International Student Services before traveling.

International students in F-1 status may drop below a full course of study if they become ill. The illness or medical condition must be documented. Students must provide a letter from a licensed medical doctor or a licensed clinical psychologist and must receive permission from the TELC Coordinator of International Student Services before dropping below full-time status.

If you move to a new address while you are a student in F-1 status at TELC, you must report your new address to the TELC Office Staff in room C-354 immediately, and no later than 10 days after moving.


As a student at The English Language Center, you have full access to the entire LaGuardia Community College campus and its facilities. This includes the LaGuardia-WiFi network, which you can use throughout the campus. On the first day of class, you will receive the necessary information, including your login credentials and password, to connect to the Wi-Fi. Below is a list of key campus locations. To access the library, computer labs, fitness center, and pool, you will need a LaGuardia Photo ID card. The English Language Center is located in the C-Building, Room C-354. You can also use this campus map to get around.
  • Computer Lab, B-333


In non-credit programs such as those offered at TELC, students do not receive a degree upon completion. However, many TELC students are interested in pursuing a degree in the United States after finishing their English studies. Since the U.S. education system may differ significantly from the one in your home country, it is important to gather as much information as possible before applying to college.

For general information, you are always welcome to speak with the Program Coordinator. You should also watch for announcements about our College Application Workshop, which is typically offered once per quarter.

LaGuardia Community College is part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system. Many TELC students choose to apply to a CUNY school, while others explore colleges and universities outside of the CUNY network. When making this decision, it is essential to research and carefully evaluate different institutions, focusing on which one will best support your academic and career goals.

Academic Programs – The City University of New York

Many students often seek advice on when to apply to college. As a general recommendation, we suggest completing as many levels of English as possible before beginning a degree program. If you perform poorly on your college’s placement exams, you may be required to take “remedial” ESL classes, which can be more costly than TELC classes.
The application procedure varies depending on the college or university you choose. For LaGuardia Community College and all other CUNY schools, applications are submitted online. For more information, please visit the Applications section of the CUNY website or come to our office to speak with one of the Coordinators or the International Student Advisor.
Each college has specific deadlines by which you must submit your application and all required documents. It is crucial to be aware of these deadlines, which can be as early as ten months before the start of the semester. Once you know the deadline for the college you wish to attend, make sure to allow sufficient time to gather the necessary documents, such as your TOEFL score, high school diploma, college transcripts, and more. For more information on undergraduate admissions deadlines, please visit the deadlines and notifications section of the CUNY website. For deadlines related to graduate programs, visit the admissions pages of the specific colleges you are interested in.
When applying to college, it is very important to be fully honest about your academic background. If you have never taken university courses in the U.S. or abroad, you should apply as a freshman. However, if you have taken university courses either in the U.S. or your home country, you must apply as a transfer student and provide official transcripts for those courses. CUNY has a strict policy regarding transcripts and views any failure to provide complete information about previous university studies as fraudulent. If CUNY authorities discover that you did not disclose all relevant details about your past academic history, you may face suspension from further studies at CUNY.

To be considered for admission to most degree programs at CUNY, you are required to submit English proficiency test scores. Accepted tests include the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), IELTS (International English Language Testing System), PTE (Pearson Test of English), or Duolingo. You must provide your score to the specific college you are applying to. To register for any of these tests, please visit the official website of the respective test.

Please note that TELC students who successfully complete Level 10, the highest level of the Intensive English Program (IEP), are eligible for admission to a CUNY undergraduate program without the need to submit English proficiency test scores.

* LaGuardia Community College, Borough of Manhattan Community College, Hostos Community College, and Kingsborough Community College do not require students to submit TOEFL, IELTS, PTE or Duolingo scores for admission.


Many TELC students find the neighborhoods of Long Island City, Astoria, Sunnyside, and Woodside in Queens to be conveniently close to LaGuardia Community College, with rents that are more affordable compared to many other areas in New York City. Check out our Housing-List for apartment-hunting ideas. By law, landlords are required to provide heat and hot water, as well as make necessary repairs to both your apartment and the building. If your landlord fails to provide these essential services, you have the right to file a complaint. In such cases, please reach out to the TELC Coordinator of International Student Services for guidance on contacting the appropriate government office that handles these issues.

Health care in the United States can be very expensive for those without insurance, with even a short hospital stay often costing thousands of dollars. For this reason, having health insurance is essential. Even if you never need to use it, just having insurance provides peace of mind. Health insurance offers several important benefits, including coverage for returning expenses to your home country and the option of having a companion to travel with you if you’re too ill to fly alone.

If you experience a medical emergency, get help right away. If you are on campus and begin to feel unwell, notify your teacher or the TELC Office Staff in room C-354. If you are off campus and believe you may be facing a life-threatening situation, go to the nearest hospital emergency room immediately.

If you are too ill to take public transportation, call 911 for an ambulance. Under U.S. law, both public and private hospitals are required to provide emergency medical care, regardless of whether you have health insurance or the ability to pay.

LaGuardia Community College is committed to ensuring that no student is discriminated against on the basis of pregnancy or related conditions. Absences due to pregnancy-related medical conditions will be excused for as long as deemed medically necessary by a student’s doctor, and students will have the opportunity to make up any missed work. Students seeking assistance or accommodation can contact the Office of Accessibility or the Title IX Coordinator; however, students should first speak with the TELC Coordinator of International Student Services for additional information.
New York is home to several organizations that can help you adjust to life in the U.S., practice your English in a casual setting, and explore American culture. Below are some you might consider checking out.

New York City is considered one of the safest big cities in the United States. However, like all big cities throughout the world, New York still has its share of crime, so you should take reasonable precautions to protect yourself and your property. The following are recommendations for keeping safe:

  • Travel along well-lit streets.
  • When traveling late at night, travel with others.
  • Don’t carry large sums of cash.
  • Keep your jewelry concealed under your clothing.
  • Carry your wallet in a side or front pocket, never in a back pocket.
  • Be careful with your money. Be sure to put it out of sight before you leave a bank or store. Never withdraw large sums of money from the bank to give to a stranger for any reason.
  • Be very careful about giving your address or telephone number to a stranger.
If you are assaulted or robbed, call 911 immediately.

On the following official holidays, all government offices and banks close. Stores and restaurants, however, are usually open.

  • New Year’s Day — January 1st
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day — 3rd Monday in January
  • Presidents’ Day — 3rd Monday in February
  • Memorial Day — Last Monday in May
  • Independence Day — July 4th
  • Labor Day — 1st Monday in September
  • Columbus Day — 2nd Monday in October
  • Veterans Day — November 11th
  • Thanksgiving Day — 4th Thursday in November
  • Christmas Day — December 25th


The resources below can help you explore your interests and strengths, choose a college major, or discover career options aligned with your passions. Follow the links to learn more.

Here you will find resources that will help you write or polish your resume and/or your cover letter.

Follow the links below to learn more.


Here you can find some interview advice and an example of a successful job interview.


Networking is about meeting people through various social and business functions and then using these contacts to your advantage when you look for a job. Networking is often the most effective way to find a job.

Networking Tips

LEADERSHIP 2/27/2013 @ 1:00PM 219,790 views


In the market for a new job? You’ve probably been urged to “pursue your passions,” “leverage your network,” “tailor and tidy up your resume,” “do your homework,” and “dress for success”—among other things.

“These are foundational aspects to job seeking that are timeless,” says Teri Hockett, the chief executive of What’s For Work?, a career site for women.

David Parnell, a legal consultant, communication coach and author, agrees: “Much of this has been around long enough to become conventional for a reason: it works,” he says. “If you take a closer look, things like networking, research, and applying to multiple employers are fundamental ‘block and tackle’ types of activities that apply to 80% of the bell curve. They hinge upon casting a broad net; they leverage the law of averages; they adhere to the fundamentals of psychology. It’s no wonder they still work.”

But some of it “does get old and overused, because job seeking is as unique and creative as an individual,” says Isa Adney, author of Community College Success and the blog “When you ask any professional who has achieved some level of greatness how he or she got there, the journey is always unique, always varied, and rarely cookie-cutter. Most have, in some capacity, followed their passion, used their network, and had a good resume–but those things are usually part of a much bigger picture, and an unpredictable winding path. Instead of always following the exact by-the-book job seeking formulas, most were simply open to possibilities and got really good at whatever it is they were doing.”

We’re not saying you should discount or disregard traditional job seeking advice altogether. But it can’t hurt to mix it up and try less conventional approaches until you achieve your goals, Hockett says.

“Times are always changing and while it’s always good to follow the basic advice, we also have to get rolling with the times,” says Amanda Abella, a career coach, writer, speaker, and founder of the Gen Y lifestyle blog Grad Meets World. “For instance, group interviews are making a comeback, we’ve got Skype interviews now, or you may interview in front of a panel. All this stuff didn’t happen as often before–so while the same basic stuff applies, we have to take into account all the new dynamics.”

Hockett agrees and says if you are going to try some unconventional job seeking methods, you should “always be grounded with solid research and a clear direction of your intentions; then you will be ready for any opportunity to make a connection resulting in a positive impact on a hiring manager.”

Parnell says generally speaking, unconventional methods should be used sparingly, judiciously and only when necessary. “And when you do decide to use them, factor comprehensively by recognizing things like industry standards, personalities involved, and the general ilk of the position’s responsibilities, before strategizing.”

Here are 10 unconventional (but very effective) tips for job seekers:

1. Be vulnerable. It’s okay to ask people for advice! “Too often we think we have to sell ourselves as this know-it-all hot-shot to get a job, but I have found the best way to build relationships with people whom you’d like to work with (or for) is to start by being vulnerable, sharing your admiration for their work, and asking for advice,” Adney says. “I recommend doing this with professionals at companies you’d love to work for, long before they have a job opening you apply for.”

2. Don’t always follow your passion. “Follow your passion” is one of the most common pieces of career wisdom, says Cal Newport, author of So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love. “It’s also wrong.” If you study people who end up loving their work, most of them did not follow a pre-existing passion, he says. “Instead, their passion for the work developed over time as they got better at what they did and took more control over their career.”

Adney agrees to some extent. She doesn’t think job seekers should completely disregard their passions–but does believe that “challenging this conventional wisdom is vital, especially since studies still show most Americans are unhappy in their jobs.”

3. Create your position. Don’t just sit around waiting for your “dream job” to open. Study the industry or field that you’re looking to move into, and determine a company or two that you’d like to work for, Hockett says. “Then figure out their challenges through relationships or public information. With this, you can craft a solution for them that you can share directly or publically through a blog, for instance. The concept here is to get noticed through offering a solution to help them with no expectation of anything in return.”

4. Learn how to listen. Job seekers are so caught up in conveying a certain message and image to the employer that they often fail to listen.

“Powerful listening is a coaching tool, as well as an amazing skill to have in your life,” Abella says. “The art of conversation lies in knowing how to listen– and the same applies to job interviews. Know when to talk, when to stop talking, and when to ask questions.”

When you practicing for interviews, don’t just rehearse your answers to questions like, “can you tell me about yourself?” “why do you want this job?” and “what are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?” Practice listening carefully and closely without interrupting.

5. Start at the top and move down. We learned from Chris Gardner (played by Will Smith) in The Pursuit of Happyness (the biographical film based on Gardner’s life) that you need to start from the top and move down. “Why approach human resources in hopes that your resume makes it to the hiring authority?” Parnell says. “Just get it there yourself. Be careful to use tact, respect and clarity during the process, but nevertheless, go straight to the decision maker.”

6. Build a relationship with the administrative assistant. While you want to start at the top (see No. 5), you’ll eventually want to build strategic relationships with personnel at all levels.

“A terribly underutilized resource is an employer’s administrative assistant,” Parnell says. “As the manager’s trusted counterpart, there is often only a slight social barrier between the two. They know the manager’s schedule, interests, responsibilities and preferences. Making friends or even engaging in some quasi-bartering relationship with them can make all the difference in the world.”

7. Don’t apply for a job as soon as you find it. The worst part about job hunting is the dreaded scrolling of an online job board, applying for job after job, and never hearing back, Adney says. “When you find a job online that you’re really interested in, applying is the last thing you should do. Instead, research that company and the professionals who work there, and reach out to someone at the company before you apply for the job, letting them know you admire what they do and would love their advice.” Then, ask questions via e-mail or phone about what they like and find challenging at their job, and ask if they have any tips for you. “Most likely they will personally tell you about the job opening (you should not mention it) and then you can ask them about getting your application and resume into the right hands,” she says. “It is a great way to keep your applications from getting lost in the black hole of the Internet.”

8. Focus on body language. You’ve probably heard this before—but job candidates don’t take it seriously enough. “Body language is incredibly important in job interviews,” Abella says. “Watching yours (posture, your hands, whether or not you’re relaxed, confidence) will help you exude confidence,” she explains. “Meanwhile paying attention to the interviewer’s body language can let you gauge whether or not you’re on the right track.”

9. Don’t focus on finding a job you love now. Don’t obsess about how much you’ll enjoy a particular job on day one, Newport says. Most entry-level positions are not glamorous. “The right question to ask when assessing an opportunity is what the job would look like in five years, assuming that you spent those years focusing like a laser on developing valuable skills. That’s the job you’re interviewing for.”

Adney agrees. “When choosing a job early in your career or early in a career change, focus less on how much you would love doing the functions of the job and focus more on where you will have the greatest opportunity to add value to the company, network with top people in your industry, and have the ability to get your foot in the door of a company that mostly hires internally.”

10. Become their greatest fan. Once you find a company you’d love to work for, become their biggest fan. “Becoming a brand loyalist may lead to becoming an employee,” Hockett says. “But of course, you have to establish or participate in a forum where you’re constantly communicating that message; one they will see.” Organizations ideally want employees to love their company and be enthusiastic about their job. Loyal fans are passionate as consumers, and often make great employees because of this, she concludes.

Smith, Jacquelyn. “10 Unconventional (But Very Effective) Tips For Job Seekers.” Forbes, 27 Feb. 2013, Accessed 5 Jan. 2017.


By Chad Brooks, Business News Daily Senior WriterMay 9, 2012 07:45 am EST

LinkedIn is a social network for the business community. Founded in 2003, the online site is a place for professionals to connect with past and current colleagues, increase their number of business connections, network within their industry, discuss business ideas, search for jobs and look for new hires.

LinkedIn users create professional, resume-like profiles that allow other site members to learn more about their business background, areas of experti.iles also include options for including status updates that let those in a user’s network know what they’re working on and when they might be traveling, or offer advice when needed. There is also a feature that allows those not signed in to LinkedIn to view parts of the profile the user deems allowable.

LinkedIn’s main features include:

  • Keep In Touch: With people changing jobs so often, LinkedIn gives users the opportunity to stay updated on where those in their professional network are working and how to contact them.
  • Get Help: When a user’s immediate network of contacts can’t help with a business problem, Linked In’s tools — Answers and Groups — lets them connect with experts through trusted introductions.
  • Search For Jobs: LinkedIn Jobs lets users search thousands of employment listings, with options for filling out applications directly on the site. The application and LinkedIn profile is then sent directly to the potential employer.
  • Hire New Employees: Hiring managers can use LinkedIn to find the candidate with the specific skill set and necessary experience.

LinkedIn currently has more than 160 million members in 200 countries. LinkedIn members include executives from all 2011 Fortune 500 companies, and its corporate hiring solutions are used by 82 of the Fortune 100 companies.

Chad Brooks is a Chicago-based freelance business and technology writer who has worked in public relations and spent 10 years as a newspaper reporter.

Brooks, Chad. “What is LinkedIn?” Business News Daily, 9 May 2012, Accessed 5 Jan. 2017.


In this section you will be able to find some useful information and resources regarding immigration, healthcare, and much more.

Support for Immigrant and International Students at LaGuardia

The City University of New York was founded on the principle of equal access and opportunity. LaGuardia’s longstanding commitment to welcoming, protecting and supporting our students, regardless of immigration status, has not wavered since our founding.

We remain committed to diversity, equity and inclusion and will steadfastly continue to offer a welcoming environment for students of all backgrounds. LaGuardia Community College will take any steps available under the law to protect and support our undocumented students.

Should you or a family member have concerns about your immigration status or safety, we urge you to avail yourselves of the resources and services listed below.

CUNY Citizenship Now!

CUNY Citizenship Now! provides free, high quality, and confidential immigration law services to help individuals and families on their path to U.S. citizenship. Our attorneys and paralegals offer one-on-one consultations to assess participants’ eligibility for legal benefits and assist them in applying when qualified.

The Floating Hospital

The Floating Hospital family health network is New York City’s largest provider of primary healthcare services to families living in family shelters and domestic violence safe houses, providing more than 61,000 patient visits annually.

Community Healthcare Network

Community Healthcare Network is a New York Presbyterian Healthcare System-affiliated not-for-profit organization which provides more than 80,000 mostly low-income and uninsured New Yorkers of all ages with an array of primary care, dental, nutrition, mental health and social services. Our network is made up of 11 federally qualified health centers throughout Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens and Manhattan, along with a traveling medical van that offers free sexual health services to people in Manhattan and Queens.

Upwardly Global

Upwardly Global is a national non-profit organization that helps work-authorized, skilled immigrants rebuild their professional careers in the U.S. We provide professional job-search training and access to employers with global talent needs. To date, we have coached more than 10,000 skilled immigrants and have assisted more than 3,800 skilled immigrants back into their career fields, as well as providing comprehensive online services.
