The Career & Technical Education Assistance (CTEA) Center provides career development services for LaGuardia students. Through established partnerships, industry insight and knowledgeable staff, we offer career advisement, work readiness and job placement services for students graduating from Career and Technical Education training programs. We also collaborate with academic and workforce development faculty and staff to identify and develop work-based learning opportunities for all students.
- Resume Assistance: Meet with a CTEA team member one-on-one to review and revise your resume. Receive sector specific tips on how to strengthen and tailor your resume for a unique job search.
- Interview Coaching/Mock Interviews: Mock interviews help you learn how to answer difficult questions, develop interview strategies, improve your communication skills, and reduce stress before an actual job interview. This conversational exercise closely resembles a real job interview and provides you with interviewing experience.
- Real-Time Labor Market Information: The CTEA Center provides real-time labor market information on which employers are currently posting positions you are qualified for; the technical and soft skills needed; wages; projected growth and more.
- Work-Based/Experiential Learning: Participate in a wide variety of work-based/experiential learning activities, including industry facilitated career panels and mock interviews, site visits, job shadowing, hackathons, industry mentors/projects with industry mentorship and industry fairs.
- Job Placement/Search Assistance: The CTEA Center works with employer partners, industry intermediaries and third-party providers to provide interview opportunities. We also help you develop individual job search strategies.
To schedule an appointment with a CTEA team member, please email You may also contact your program for a direct referral for our services.
Ten students studying English as a Second Language were referred to our center to receive job readiness and employment assistance. We were able to accommodate the students in small groups so they could learn together and support one another. They all received resume writing and interviewing assistance and are on their way to gaining employment with assistance from our office.
Dariel A. was studying English as a Second Language when he was referred to our center. He was looking for a new part-time job because he was tired of working late nights at a restaurant. After receiving an employment consultation as well as resume and interviewing assistance, our team went to work identifying jobs that met Dariel’s needs. He was referred to several employers and worked patiently with the team over several weeks. Dariel did well in an interview for a community outreach position and soon began working as a community outreach specialist, a part-time job that afforded him the schedule flexibility that he needed.
Yes. Your first visit to the CTEA Center will include an employment and job readiness consultation. Although you may already have a resume, our employment and readiness team may need to make edits or updates, depending on what opportunities are currently available and what type of work you are looking for.