
students working in a lab

Ready to create or work on your ePortfolio?

What is an ePortfolio?
An ePortfolio is your personal website that allows you to document, deepen, and reflect on your learning experiences during your time at LaGuardia. Additionally, you can download and share this handout, either digitally or in hard copy, when introducing ePortfolio to students. Click on your preferred language: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English or Spanish
You will start creating your ePortfolio in your First Year Seminar course using a template customized for your major, which you can continue to update over your time at LaGuardia. As you take courses in your major, you will continue to use your ePortfolio to showcase projects and assignments, plan your degree, career and transfer goals, and develop core skills that will prepare you for the future. Overall, your ePortfolio will help you showcase your story.

Once you create your ePortfolio in your First Year Seminar, here are a few tips:

  • Customize your About Me page: Add content, customize your background, add images, and insert a quote.
  • Learn about the privacy settings so that you understand who has access to view your ePortfolio. Click here to learn more.
  • Publish your content so that viewers can see the most current version of your work.

Click here to review some tips for working with your ePortfolio.

Student ePortfolio Reflection

Featuring Edda Monique Hobuss, Physical Science

Support for Students

For general inquiries and online support, email the ePortfolio program at eportfolio@lagcc.cuny.edu.

In-Person Support

MB-57 Help Desk
  • Mondays: 10:30AM to 5:00PM
  • Tuesdays: 10:00AM to 4:00PM
  • Wednesdays: 10:00AM to 4:00PM
  • Thursdays: 10:00AM to 3:30PM
  • Fridays: 10:00AM to 3:00PM

Remote Support

To get remote support, students can email the ePortfolio team at eportfolio@lagcc.cuny.edu

The ePortfolio Team

We are a team of skillful, energetic, fun, and focused professionals and we support all ePortfolio developments at the College. All year round, we work closely with students, faculty, and staff to help them better understand, adopt, use, and implement the ePortfolio pedagogy.


Pablo Avila
Associate Director of ePortfolio and Digital Learning

Thomas Rospigliosi
ePortfolio Project Manager
Sharon Jorrin
ePortfolio Consultant
Stanley Villa
ePortfolio Consultant
Liliana Mema
ePortfolio Consultant
Arpana Tamang
ePortfolio Consultant

