Buildings and Grounds


We are a service-oriented department. Our staff is committed to provide the College Community, our “customers,” with the best possible service in the most efficient and pleasant way possible.

We are committed to maintaining & improving LaGuardia Community College’s physical plant and surrounding grounds in the best possible state of repair, seeking efficient ways to improve campus facilities and the quality of life for students, faculty and staff.

Our campus Buildings and Grounds’ team is responsible for the safe, reliable and efficient operation and maintenance of approximately 1.7 million square feet of campus buildings and its grounds. Our team of approximately 40 administrators, maintenance mechanics, and engineers provides maintenance & repairs, engineering, construction services and project oversight for the campus facilities. Technical responsibility for all buildings and campus infrastructure includes Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems (HVAC boilers, chillers, air distribution systems, steam & water distribution, Building Automation Systems & controls), elevators, fire detection/protection, mechanical equipment, electric power distribution, building envelope, plumbing & waste systems and laboratory infrastructure.

Building Operations has instituted a computerized on demand request system that is now used to submit all work requests to the department for processing. Each department has one or two staff members designated as their area’s liaisons authorized to submit requests on behalf of their Department or area.

Please follow the guidelines provided under services to easily interact with our department. If you have any comments, questions, suggestions or other information to share with us please use the e-mail address listed under staff & contact us.


The following are examples of building emergencies

  • Fire – visible or suspected ,smell of smoke, gas or chemicals
  • Flood – toilet overflowing, broken waste/water pipes, roof leaks, etc.
    Building constructions that pose an immediate hazard.
  • Persons trapped in elevators

PROCEDURE: In the event of a building emergency, immediately call the Office of building Operations at ext. 5580 to ensure immediate response to any building related emergency. If the emergency occurs outside of “normal” office hours (Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.) or on a weekend, please immediately call the Office of Public Safety at ext. 5555. For all non-building related emergencies, please call Public Safety at any time.

Examples of work that may require charge backs to requestors include, but are not limited to:

  • Special Events – setups, breakdowns, request for an engineer on premises (when involving overtime charges for the staff involved)
  • Electrical work that requires a licensed electrician
  • Plumbing work that requires a licensed plumber
  • Moves –when involving overtime charges for the staff involved
  • Some general repairs such as installation of floor or ceiling tile in occupied space when it involves overtime charges for the staff involved
  • Furniture Assembly – when assembly is authorized to be done by Building Operations
  • Contractual work – whether done in conjunction with in house staff work or contractual work done alone to complete requested task.

Please contact the Business Office for information on the method in which funds are transferred from your departmental budget to the Building Operations budget to pay for work charged in this manner.

Each department has one or two individuals designated as “authorized requestors” who submit work requests through the department’s computerized on-demand, web-based ON DEMAND WORK REQUEST SYSTEM (WRS). All other staff are to submit all requests other than trouble calls or emergencies to their area’s WRS Coordinator. However, any faculty or staff member may phone Building Operations at ext. 5580 concerning hot and cold complaints (trouble calls) or building related emergencies.

Daily Interactions – To check the status of an existing request please ask one of your area’s authorized requestors to log into the ON DEMAND WORK REQUEST SYSTEM to check the status of one or more work requests. If you have a question regarding any aspect of Building Operations, first check this website for the information. If the answer cannot be found, email the office using the address specified on our HOME page. If the question is an urgent one, call our main number, ext. 5580 to ask for assistance from 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

If you have a major request in progress or one about to begin, and wish to discuss any aspect of the job, please call the main office to request scheduling a meeting with the Director and/or Assistant Director. Please be sure to give the reason for the meeting, the specific concern(s) to be discussed and anything of a relevant nature. It will be helpful as well when scheduling to identify the job as entered into the WRS and supply the assigned WRS number, or state that it is an entirely new task.

Submission of Work Requests– the computerized ON DEMAND WORK REQUEST SYSTEM is now the sole method for submission of work requests to Building Operations. There have been numerous workshops held through Human Resources and this Department to provide the entire College community with all needed information. However, if an authorized requestor still has questions, he/she may telephone the System Administrator at ext. 5591 for information on access. For routine information not included in the Frequently Asked Questions section on this website, please call our dispatcher at ext. 5580 for assistance.

All major construction or renovation projects are handled through the Office of Campus Facilities, Design and Construction. Please contact that office if you have any questions regarding major projects on campus.

As previously discussed under the electrical and plumbing headings, there are certain requirements that make it necessary for the college to call in outside contractors to handle some work requests. If licensed plumbers or electricians are required, we must hire outside contractors to handle that type of work. There are other instances where our staff is not large enough, overbooked or does not have all the necessary certificates and/or permits to perform certain work. In those cases, when we receive a work request from another department we will recommend outside contractors to perform the work they require and will even coordinate all the scheduling, gathering of price quotes, etc.

The cost of the completed job will be charged back to the requesting department, however, you can be assured Building Operations carefully scrutinizes every price quote, oversees the work being performed, and then carefully checks invoices submitted to ensure we have been properly charged and the work has been performed to our satisfaction.

Submit all preliminary work requests directly to the Building Operations Department. However, there are three possible outcomes for electrical requests:

  1. Electrical work of a simple nature is done in-house.
  2. Work is performed by an outside electrical contractor because of the need for a licensed electrician.
  3. Work is split between our in-house contractual crew and an outside licensed electrical contractor. Note: any work done by outside contractor is billed to the department. If a job requires overtime for our staff, the overtime costs are billable to the department requesting services.

Simple electrical work includes, but may not be limited to, tasks such as replacement of a blown fuse, resetting circuit breakers, replacement of bulbs and ballasts, repair, or replacement of light switches and/or electrical outlets. However, there are many jobs which require a licensed electrician. For those jobs, Building Operations will coordinate the work and recommend the electrical contractor retained by the College or another contractor used by the department to perform the tasks requiring a licensed electrician. Again as stated earlier, all work done by outside contractors is billed to the department that made the request.

If the work request includes a combination of simple electrical tasks as well as tasks that require a licensed electrician, Building Operations will arrange for an electrical contractor to perform only those portions of the job requiring a licensed electrician. In this way, the department requesting the work will pay the minimum amount possible for outside work. As stated before and detailed more clearly later on our website, work done by outside contractors will be billed to the department that requested the work.

When chargeback costs are for services of Building Operations staff, the charges are for labor based on our staff’s contractual rates either regular and overtime for the worker’s title and the number of staff needed to complete the job. In some cases, a department may also be required to pay for supplies used in a job.

Contractual work –If an outside contractor is used, the requesting department will be charged the cost incurrd to provide the service.

Please note: Quotes are not “hard fact.” Jobs may cost more or less than the quote. When the invoice is received, it is carefully checked to ensure that the billing is correct and fair.

These include but are not limited to:

  • Replacement of floor and/or ceiling tile
  • Minor work on doors (i.e. installation or repair of door closure, repair of minor problem with lock)
  • Installation of shelves

All moves are coordinated through the Office of Administrative & Support Services. The Property Manager in that area ensures that all college owned furniture and equipment moved from one location to another is noted and re-entered in the property inventory. Administrative & Support Services and Building Operations work together to generate a plan for each move including a schedule for pre-move items such as painting, obtaining boxes, taking down and re-hanging shelving, etc.

Note: Upon request, Building Operations will provide empty moving boxes to an area preparing to move. Building Operations does not pack, label or unpack boxes.

Moves that do not require moving equipment or furniture out of an existing suite to another also do not require changes to the Property Management database. Consequently, these type of moves do not require the approval of the Office of Administrative Services. These are considered “intra-office” moves and can be done simply by submitting a work request through the computerized on demand work request system.

All paint requests are handled based on need and the appropriateness of the request. There is a review/approval process in place for all painting requests. The process considers the need for the request relative to all College requestors and “public space” requests. In addition factors such as budgetary and personnel constraints within Building Operations are considered. Painting is primarily scheduled on a priority basis.

If there are special circumstances please contact the Director or Assistant Director of Building Operations to discuss the situation.

For all painting: prior to the commencement of work, the department requesting the paint job is required to prepare the area to be painted. This includes boxing all items on shelves and desks, and removing any other personal items from the area.

Plumbing work requests are much like electrical work requests. All requests should initially be submitted to Building Operations to commence processing. There are, as with electrical requests, three possible outcomes regarding handling of the work.

  • Work is done totally by our in house crew.
  • Work must be done by an outside licensed plumber.
  • Work is such that in house crew can do a portion and the balance requires the services of a licensed plumber, most often our contracted plumber. As with electrical work, if an outside contractor is required the cost of these services will be charged back to the department requesting work be done.

More detailed information about “charge backs” can be found in charge backs section.

Building Operations is responsible for the provision of air conditioning or heat during the appropriate season(s). Our engineers and/or outside contractors perform preventive maintenance on all equipment. This ensures all equipment is in good working condition. Our goal is to provide a comfortable work environment for all members of the College community year round.

All City agencies are however bound by law to adhere to temperature guidelines as set forth by the New York City Department of General Services.

In winter no building’s temperature may exceed 78 degrees. In summer no building’s temperature may be lower than 68 degrees.

If any staff person has a temperature related complaint at any time, he or she should call ext. 5580 to report the problem. Be sure to include your name, the location (building, floor and room) and the complaint.

An engineer will be dispatched as soon as possible to respond to your call. Please be advised that in some cases temperature adjustments are made remotely eliminating the need for an engineer to be physically present in the ‘problem’ area. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THE CALL HAS NOT BEEN HANDLED.

Should you notice odors or other conditions that affect the environment please call our office immediately. If the problem is serious or of an on-going nature, we will contact the College’s Director of Environmental Health and Safety to take additional steps to resolve the problem.

LaGuardia Community College’s maintenance of the physical plant, both inside and out, is divided among several departments. Following is a list, not meant to be comprehensive, of service not provided by Building Operations. Where possible, the correct department or area is noted.

Task or Service-Department/Contact:

  • Trash Removal – Custodial Services, ext. 5577
  • Recycling – Custodial Services, ext. 5557
  • Sweeping – Custodial Services, ext. 5557
  • Mopping and Waxing of Offices – Custodial Services, ext. 5557
  • Loading Dock Services – Loading Dock, ext. 5565
  • Automotive Services – Administrative & Support Services, ext. 5501
  • Furniture Assembly – All departments are encouraged to request that purchased furniture be assembled by the vendor. Most often the cost of assembly is less than the cost charged by Building Operations. However, if for any reason your department purchases furniture which requires assembly, pre-approval must be obtained from Building Operations, ext. 5580. In addition, your department will be charged for the cost of assembly by our crew (based on number of crew and individual hourly rates).
    Computer Installation – Information
  • Technology/Help Desk, ext. 6134
  • Mail Delivery & Pick Up – Mail Center, ext. 5564
  • Snow Removal – Administrative & Support Services, ext. 5501
  • Clean Up of Building Exteriors – Custodial Services, ext. 5557
  • Telephone Services – College Operations, Dial ‘0’

Note: Regarding work requests that are not our responsibility, our dispatcher will notify the individual who submitted the request that the job is the responsibility of a different area. When possible, our office will provide contact information as well as forward the request by interoffice mail or return the request to the requestor, if preferred.

The Office of College and Community Relations/Special Events has the responsibility for scheduling and coordinating all on-campus events, utilizing established College procedures and an Events form (available through the Events Office). Please submit all such requests that require the services of Building Operations to the Events Office as far in advance as possible to avoid conflicts related to scheduling and/or staff availability. Submit changes to approved events, including cancellations, directly to the Events Office. Events Office personnel contact all departments concerned regarding any changes or cancellations.

Events’ setup or broken down during regular business hours do not incur charges for our services. Requests that require our staff to work overtime during the week or on weekends require that we charge the sponsor department for the overtime costs. Please read the section on CHARGEBACKS for further information.


The On Demand Work Request System is a web-based system and can be accessed from any location using your CUNYfirst credentials. Please note that you must be an authorized user to be able to submit work request on behalf of your department/office. Once you login, review the How To Manual/Video for instructions on how to submit the Work Service Request. If you have any questions or need immediate assistance please contact Buildings and Grounds at extension 5580.


A. Only facilities-related emergencies are taken by phone for dispatch and entry into the automated On Demand Work Request System.
Facilities-related emergencies include such items as:
a. Partial or full power outages/electrical
b. Problems with air temperature or ventilation
c. Problems with doors
d. Elevator-related problems
e. Flood

A. Please go to On Demand Work Request System to obtain detailed information including how to check the status of work requests.

A. Building Operations uses an automated On Demand Work Request System that enables each department to submit requests using the internet.

Each department has two or more “authorized requestors” who are able to enter the department’s requests into the system. Additional information about On Demand Work System can be found under services.

A. Building Operations does what is called a charge-back for work which requires the requesting department to pay for some or all of a requested job. Detailed information on charge-backs can be found in the services section of our website.

A. Please contact Building Operations for any of these items using our e-mail address . All e-mails are kept confidential so feel free to be as specific as you need to be and feel comfortable discussing individual staff members or tasks performed.

These e-mails are read and handled by supervisory staff and your name will not be divulged.

A. Paint requests are accepted on a first come, first served basis. A member of the Building Operations staff does examine each area prior to authorizing each request. If an area’s condition indicates a pressing need (e.g. damage from leaks, holes in walls, excessive graffiti) that request will be placed ahead of other requests of a less urgent nature.

Many users feel that requests for painting take an unusually long time to process. Please bear in mind that Building Operations has the responsibility for maintaining the entire campus and must paint all public areas on a priority basis.

A. Review our services section to learn about all or specific tasks performed by this department. Information is also provided on common tasks that are handled by other departments within LaGuardia, including where possible and contact information.

Department Contacts

Contact InformationPhone Ext. and Room#
Salim Djari
Superintendent of Building Operations
Glen Jones
Adm. Supt. Campus
Edgar Taylee
Engineer Technician, Lev III
Indhira Rivas
Assistant Accountant
Irena Kostyrka
College Office Assistant
Robert Lowmark
Trades Supervisor
Juan Genao
IT Senior Associate Level 1