College Liberal Arts

Expand your horizons with college level liberal arts classes at LaGuardia.

LaGuardia’s College Liberal Arts classes are open to the public on a non-credit basis at a special fee of $320 per course.

Decisions on class size are made early, so register in advance.

Alternate days and times for college classes are sometimes available for Continuing Education students. For more information call (718) 482-7244.


Introduction to Philosophy

This course introduces students to the process of philosophical reflection. Utilizing the concept of freedom extensively it seeks to develop the student's ability to analyze concepts and to explore life experience in a structured and coherent fashion. Students are encouraged to develop their perceptions by critically examining their own beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions in light of the philosophical analyses they encounter.

Location: C263

Weekday: Monday

Time: 01:00 PM – 03:15 PM

Fee: $320

Course Code: PHIL101F24.T02.01.00

Register Now (External Link)

Location: Online

Weekday: Monday

Time: 09:15 AM – 12:45 PM

Fee: $320

Course Code: PHIL101F24.T02.02.00

Register Now (External Link)

Critical Thinking

This course explores the process of thinking critically, and guides students in thinking more clearly, insightfully and effectively. Concrete examples from students' experience and contemporary issues help students develop the abilities to solve problems, analyze issues, and make informed decisions in their academic, career and personal lives. Substantive readings, structured writing assignments and ongoing discussions help students develop language skills while fostering sophisticated thinking abilities.

Location: C727

Weekday: Thursday

Time: 01:00 PM – 03:15 PM

Fee: $320

Course Code: PHIL111F24.T02.02.00

Register Now (External Link)

Location: Online

Weekday: Tuesday

Time: 09:15 AM – 11:30 AM

Fee: $320

Course Code: PHIL111F24.T02.01.00

Register Now (External Link)

Public Speaking

In today's high-speed, competitive business and social world, your ability to express your ideas effectively to others face to face can determine the difference between success and failure. This course will teach you the skills you need to become a cutting edge communicator who is lively, vibrant and speaks with impact in front of an audience. You will learn how to control fear of speaking, and, using the six keys to unlock an audience, you will practice giving impromptu and prepared speeches for your classmates.

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Ways to Register


By phone:
(718) 482-7244

With payment by MasterCard/Visa/Discover/American Express.
Discounts and waivers apply to all courses except those designated ND.
