U.S. Department of Transportation
Small Business Transportation Resource Center
Northeast Region


The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Small Business Transportation Resource Center (SBTRC) – Northeast Region, located at LaGuardia Community College, helps new and emerging businesses obtain transportation-related contracts. We provide training and advising on marketing to the Department of Transportation, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification and bonding assistance. The SBTRC is funded by the USDOT’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization.

We serve New York State, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maine.


The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification is a federal program that enhances your business’ chances of getting transportation work. The SBTRC provides expert-led training and counseling on qualifying for the DBE program.

  • Step-by-step application process and procedure
  • Review and packaging of application for fast processing

The Bonding Education Program (BEP) addresses what you need to do to get your business bond-ready.

  • 9-week curriculum developed by the surety industry to dispel myths about bonding and get firms on the right path to “bondability”
  • Participating firms are matched with a local bond producer
  • This program is tailored to businesses competing for transportation-related contracts

The SBTRC assists firms with qualifying for loan guaranty programs. If you have been awarded a government contract, you may be eligible to qualify for contract financing to help finance the receivables of the contract. In New York State we help qualify firms for the:

  • New York State Bridge to Success Loan Program
  • New York City Capital Access Program
  • Small Business Administration Loan Programs
SBTRC How to Apply


Counseling sessions are held in person and via email or phone. Call or email to schedule a free counseling session: 

(718) 482-5941 


TerryWorldWide, LLC

Terry WorldWide

TerryWorldWide, LLC founder Terry Willis reached out to SBTRC after attending one of our webinars. With guidance from SBTRC, shortly after Terry received a loan approval from Business Outreach Center (BOC) Network for $400,000 for his innovative products supply company. He was also awarded a contract with USDOT for $130,000 and then an additional contract for $66,000. Looking for office space in Queens, SBTRC referred Terry to LaGuardia’s NYDesign business incubator. In a little over a month, TerryWorldWide, LLC had an office at NYDesigns with affordable rent and other support services. Terry continues to seek assistance from SBTRC to learn more about project opportunities with the MTA and Port Authority.

Terry Willis
Johnson Security Bureu

Johnson Security Bureau, Inc.

Jessica Johnson, President and CEO of Johnson Security Bureau, Inc., a third-generation family owned and operated security company headquartered in the Bronx, New York, came to us in 2009 for assistance with becoming certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). Once certified, we referred her to the first-ever cohort of Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses, which was launching at LaGuardia in 2010. After graduating from the valuable business education program, Ms. Johnson, who runs the firm with her brother, Charles Johnson, Jr., returned to SBTRC to learn about the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Short Term Lending Program and other contract financing programs.

In 2013, Johnson Security Bureau received its first subcontract as a DBE: the MTA’s East Side Access Project. In 2016, it was awarded another subcontract on the largest DBE project in the nation, the Tappan Zee Bridge replacement project, for which it hired 11 new security guards. With help from SBTRC, the growing company also received contract financing in the form of a line of credit through the NYS Bridge to Success Loan Program for $250,000 that same year.

“The Northeast SBTRC has been a valued partner in Johnson Security’s journey over the last decade, particularly in helping the firm to leverage its strengths in spite of many perceived disadvantages,” said Ms. Johnson.



Women in Transportation Initiative

SBTRC administers the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Women in Transportation Initiative, which focuses on science, technology, engineering and mathematics students and encourages high school girls and college women to seek careers in the transportation industry. As part of the initiative, SBTRC collaborates with state Departments of Transportation, regional colleges and universities, and local high schools to carry out special events and exhibitions at college career fairs.


To register for this month’s events click here. For more information or to register for future events email sbtrc@lagcc.cuny.edu or call (718) 482-5941.



(718) 482-5941



Office Hours:
(in person and virtual) Mon-Fri 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
